how to reclaim your strawman uk

The United States of America will continue to work with The American States Assembly to ensure an orderly and safe re-venue process and will continue to press for reform and correction of U.S. operations, proper identification of American Civilians, issuance of credit owed to Americans, and overall restoration of our lawful government of the people, for the people, and by the people. The only valid and actionable solution is to reclaim your True Trust using your . The British Territorial United States Government has participated in one of the most massive human trafficking, kidnapping, conscription, unlawful conversion, inland piracy, and organized racketeering schemes in world history --- and it has conspired against us, against our States of the Union, and ultimately against the Constitutions which allow these corporations to exist and operate on our shores. HOW TO SIGN YOUR SIGNATURE WITHOUT LIABILITY Reverse their claim and copyright of your name and estate by over-riding with a guaranteed Common Law Copyright pre-dating their claim. Once you reclaim your name and your proper political status you will need to notify the authorities responsible-- the Port Authority for your area (Coast Guard Commandant) and the Adjutant General (responsible for keeping and updating proper records) and the US Postmaster General. Our government, The United States of America, is fully functional. 4 page 113, 22 U.S.C. We are aware of the worldwide conspiracy of corporate interests seeking to overcome the lawful governments of the people in every country. So these people are our employees, indirectly, but they are being told what to do by foreign governments controlled by foreign Principals: the Holy See, the British Monarch, and the Lord Mayor of London. We all need to become very much more aware of the "occupation" of the U.S. Army and the misconduct that has gone on in the international jurisdiction since the so-called American Civil War. The new SS5 forms do not state who publishes them while the old form states they are Department of the Treasury. The American States Assembly And never register anything voluntarily. Your Government is supposed to be staffed by you. David E. Robinson Books Because your identity has been stolen. 1, 53-54), 23. Streamlined Processes ALL CAPTIAL LETTERS Straw Man It is also to the eternal shame of the Bar Associations, their members, and the Judiciary that has aided and abetted the enforcement of this criminal fraud scheme to enrich and empower themselves at the expense of basic decency and justice. Now all you have to do is prove who you are, that you objected to being "enfranchised" and that you have recorded your counter-claim to be the true and lawful owner of your Good Name and Estates and all derivatives thereof and re-conveyed your property (Name, Estate, and the derivative Assumed NAMES) back to their natural and permanent domicile on the land and soil of--- for example--- Georgia. Move your life into the Private - Claim your strawman December 2018 Barristers and solicitors make a living out of creating controversy. It's primary responsibility is to protect you and your property assets at all costs and against all comers. Get your two Witnesses' Testimony. When you register a piece of property --- say, a car or truck? The BirthCertificatehas no direct relationship to the private secret trusts controlled by the private banking network, nor can it be used to force the administration of astateor nation to divulge the existence of these secret trusts. Kidnappers. See rural servitude and urban servitude under SERVITUDE(2). If they even think about messing with you, they will see that translation provided for their understanding and go away, far, far away. Claim Your Strawman Strawman Illusion Explained Each State Assembly is validating and correcting the political status records of Americans who are Beings in Possession of all their natural and complete property rights and who are owed the guarantees of the Constitutions and who are also owed access to the American National Credit. And we talked to our friends and neighbors (those who would listen) and we explained what was wrong and we learned more as we went. and, we organized the government we are supposed to have: Your Government. [I don't mean that you are uniquely responsible for this vast process of giving Notice--- I mean that all Americans who are not Federal Employees need to do this, en masse, in every small town and county and city and borough and district nationwide. Copyright Your StrawMan page 816), had a Treasury since 1921 (41 Stat. And that is the only reason for any government to exist, ever. Either way, you committed "John Mark Doe", (the presumed Legal Person) to this fate and gave him away when you registered "him" with Selective Service. For middles, if you don't, you will not be "identifiable" as a living man or woman, which means they can murder you at will and face no consequences. Tuition: $79.oo USD Misidentified "US Citizen" Reclaim Your Strawman and Your Sovereignty | Integrating Dark and Light (back then operating in Admiralty law, the law of the sea, so lost at sea). September 2017, All If in view of the mis-administration, Bad Faith, criminal activities, and false claims advanced in Breach of Trust--- the Queen, the Pope, or the Lord Mayor desire to say one word against our directives to their personnel on our soil--- they have had more than ample opportunity to disagree with our evaluation of the situation and they have failed on all counts to do so. See this article and over 1700 others on Anna's website here: Take a look at the Birth Certificate issued in your NAME. The British Government is under demand to cease and desist all commercial mercenary actions on our shores and to end all collusion with the Municipal United States Government against the American States and People. Once you have yourself free and clear and beyond the reach of the vermin and their false claims against you, you can easily deal with the issue of Property Taxes and Income Taxes being imposed by foreign governments via false presumption and deceit. The Birth Certificate is proof and evidence of Unconscionable contracting processes being used to defraud American babies --- literally in their cradles. Since 1933, upon a newchildbeing borne, the Executors or Administrators of the higherEstatewillingly and knowingly convey the beneficial entitlements of thechildasBeneficiaryinto the 1st Cestui Que(Vie)Trustin the, represents one of the 3 Crowns representing the 3 claims of. Vi Coactus To say that we are dismayed and disgusted by the hypocrisy, graft, greed, disloyalty, guile, deceit, necromancy, identity theft, false probate of living estates in violation of their own statutory laws and U.S. Supreme Court decisions --- Scott v. McNeal, 154 U.S. 34 (1894), conspiracy against our lawful government in contravention of the Constitutions that created and empowered these foreign subcontractors to exercise our delegated powers in the first place --- would be a complete understatement. Methods of Claiming Your Straw Man The CESTUI QUE VIE Trust Freedom From Servitude If You Are Not Willing To Learn, No One Can Help You. April 2019 For example, the police (another corporation) can only work around your name. Every State of State in the Union has statutes about Assumed Names, also known as Business Names, also known as Trade Names, which retain your Common Law Copyright rights. ah, so.. go back and correct the "mistake" and claim your own Trade Name and copyright it effective with your actual birth-day. HOW TO RECLAIM YOUR STRAWMAN ,, First you need to download a blank UCC financial statement. January 2020 Strawman Account Myth Used to Lure Victims.html - Scambusters It is also under demand to redirect all Municipal employees to ensure cessation of all false commercial claims and improper probate administrations. We are doing our "job". By 1815 and thebankruptcyof theCrownandBankof England by the Rothschilds, for the 1st time, the Cestui Que Vie Trusts of the United Kingdom becameassetsplaced in private banks effectively becoming private trusts or Fide Commissary Trusts administered by commissioners (guardians). As long as American English is our official language and it has its own punctuation and style conventions, PARSE has to be viewed as a foreign language from our perspective, just like Legalese, Italian, and Dutch. You can't expect to overcome it all in an afternoon. So at last you can achieve that much-desired end of having your employees leave you and your assets alone, and forcing them to get back to work doing the job you hired them to do---- protecting you and your assets instead of bullying, attacking, and robbing you. This is a process similar to re-flagging a ship. RUSSELL-J:GOULD is never going to be recognized as a Proper Noun in American English. (Padelford Fay & Co. v The Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520), 18. Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 We can get it all translated into PARSE SYNTAX so the rats have no excuse. As for the actual owners of this country, the American States and People, dba The United States of America [Unincorporated] andThe United States [Unincorporated] we object to any supposition that the debts and criminality of "the" United States of America, Inc., and "the" United States, Inc., has anything to do with us, our States, our People, or our assets. VIS COMPULSIVA CQV Act 1666 What Are The States and Why Do We Need to Assemble Them? Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. Municipal Citizen Of The United States April 2019 Look at the BC issued in your name. Get up on your feet and get moving. It carries all sorts of emblems from a "State of State" organization, depending on where and when you were born. Admission of their corruption can be viewed on the televised London Winter Olympics footage, which shows those responsible parading in hooded robes around the giant effigy of a Dead Baby, much to the amazement and consternation of the rest of the world, which was left wondering.? They are supposed to operate under the limitations and in accordance with their employment contracts called the Constitutions. Long Form Birth Certificate Long Form Birth Certificate Question - Who are you? The Pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of millions of people. ABeneficiaryunderEstatemay be either aBeneficiaryor a Cestui Que (Vie), of the higherEstateplaced in Cestui Que (Vie), on their behalf, they do not own the Cestui Que (Vie)Trustand are only thebeneficiaryof what the Trustees of the Cestui Que (Vie), TheTrustCorpus created by a Cestui Que (Vie) is also known as theEstatefrom two Latin words e+statuo literally, , statute or judgment. When London burned, the subrogation of mens and womens rights occurred. See what you get back. Picture the scene: Commander Gould and I seated at my kitchen table, both heads bowed. Common Law Vs Maritime Law By using Federal Reserve Notes a debt is not paid, it is simply transferred to someone else not paid. Straw Man Artifical Person June 2020 We are supporting it. ALL CAPTIAL LETTERS Straw Man The basic paperwork also establishes your possession and control over all the derivatives, variations, permutations, orderings, styles, of similar Assumed Names/NAMES connected to you, and permanently domiciles them on the land and soil of your birth state, too. This gives you a superior claim in commerce, and since all this fraud, theft, and legal chicanery is taking place in the realm of commerce, that is an important point. For starters, if you don't, you get stuck holding the bag for all their debts, and their debts are insurmountable. When you get a bill or summons from court it is always in capital letters, similar to tomb stones in grave yards. Congressman McFadden was poisoned, mafia-style, for lodging his complaint with the House Judiciary Committee, but because he did the right thing, those charges still stand, as firmly lodged today as they were in 1934. So, instead of there being evidence of a living man standing on the land jurisdiction of a State of the Union, doing business as a Lawful Person named "John Mark Doe", there is only evidence of a Legal Person (a British United States Citizen) operating as "John Mark Doe". The name for the straw man is your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Most important--- why do you HAVE TO do something to counterclaim your Good Name and Estate back out of Babylon? Secret Trust This is how the British-backed Territorial Corporation known as the "State of Florida" or "State of Maine" or "State of Texas" picked up an ownership interest in "you" and "your name" ---- converted your identity from that of a living man or woman, and gained the right (by your Mother's mistake and your later silence) to consider you a "franchise" of their corporation and chattel backing their debts. Next, after enlistment, they declare you to be "dead, missing in action" and issue a Municipal identity --- a nom de guerre --- which can be any variety of your name spelled out in all capitals, most commonly, it appears in military records as "DOE, JOHN MARK". These private "federal" agencies have been used to enslave us, so that the racketeering profits from their activities could be used to enslave others around the world, in a reprise of what Queen Victoria did in the 1850's and 60's --- that is, to sell out and enfranchise the British People to raise money for the Raj in India. Live Life Claim - Prepare For Change There are some additional niceties to be observed. The first action gives you the key to unlock the door, the second allows you to walk through the door and lock it behind you. You are the actual landlords, so any mortgage credits to be applied under any tenancy agreement has to be paid to you, not taken from you. Lt. General (Ret.) This is more difficult than it looks, because the perpetrators of this scheme have made it difficult, yet to enjoy the benefits of their perfidy they have had to leave the door open for you, too. It is an agency of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) (Diversified Metal Products v I.R.S et al. Clinging to the past only prevents us from embracing a far better future. You are home at last. The basic premise to fully understanding my straw man and the "Redemption In Law" process is the fact that the (Uniform Commercial Code) UCC - 1 Financing Statement is the only unbreakable contract in the world. The Registrar. You take responsibility for spreading the word in your area and I take responsibility for spreading it in mine.]. It's a substitute government run by two Federal subcontractors. They've done exactly the opposite of what your government is supposed to do. Free Money? Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts (Birth Certificate This is an identity theft scheme of staggering proportions carried out against individual living Americans for the purpose of accessing our credit and confiscating our assets under color of law. Public vs. The fastest and Most effective Way to Claim your Strawman Exert your birthright to obtain freedom from corrupt government agencies and their jurisdiction. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt Straw Man - Artifical Person 62, Van Koten vs. Van Koten 154 N.E. Georgia, you will note, is not the "State of Georgia" nor the "STATE OF GEORGIA" nor "THE State of Georgia" nor "GEORGIA" nor any other version of this corporate franchise naming scheme they can dream up. This establishes the fact that you are the presumed "Donor" of the property referenced by the BC and also establishes your standing to sue these criminals. Your Lawful Person is an actual civilian and your State (not any "State of State") is the actual civilian government doing business as a member of The United States of America, Unincorporated---- that these jackdaws are supposed to protect against "all enemies foreign and domestic". We know who they are. This is precisely the problem that Russell and I spent five days discussing in Texas. Robbery 1323. An "unconscionable contract" is a contract that you literally are not aware of. This fraudulent genocide on paper was then used to excuse the creation of trusts by the Municipal United States Government. They are writing to the dead legal fiction. Claim your strawman HE is an "Enemy Combatant". As a result, all our mothers were admitted as patients and gave birth to a dead "person" carrying our Given Names.,,,,, force, n. Power, violence, or pressure directed against a person or thing.actual force. [Latin]1. Pulling them up by their own bootstraps and with prejudice is the order of the day. They are supposed to operate under the limitations and in accordance with their employment contracts called the Constitutions. You will bein control your own livesagain. Control Your Strawman - Your Non-Biological 'Twin' | Freeman Movement It's all bull, but it serves the purpose of continuing to excuse their inexcusable usurpation against the American states and people. Next, having secured your Trade Name and having permanently domiciled it on the land and soil jurisdiction State, you will Expatriate from any presumed political status as a Territorial Citizen (like someone born in Puerto Rico) or Municipal CITIZEN (created in the Municipality of Washington, DC, for example). The original purpose and function of a Cestui Que (Vie)Trustwas toforma temporaryEstatefor the. The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is responsible for issuing correct Identification Cards owed to all these purportedly "dead" Americans under the Geneva Conventions governing peaceful civilian populations under occupation and correct passports until such time as our States Assemble and The United States of America issues its own passports again. British Territorial United States Citizen If not, it's high time that you did. She couldn't explain to you what she was never given to understand herself, could she? After all, you are being misrepresented as the "donor" of all these assets and the State of State is claiming to be the beneficiary of your largesse. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5 forms and not the Social Security Administration. Claim Your Strawman But there is another layer to the scam. Reverse their presumption that you are a US citizen with an Act of State returning your name and estate to Wisconsin, Minnesota, or wherever you came from. Anyone issued a Birth Certificate has been the victim of this fraud. Those foreign governments are under contract to provide us with certain enumerated "governmental services". January 2018 You won't be subject to foreign statutory laws. They have "taken title" to over 300 million American babies. Share. It is a Maxim of Law that "as a THING is bound, so it is unbound". How To Lawfully How To Sign & Remove Your Signature From Any Contract In Law, this is known as "unlawful conversion" --- a form of kidnapping of assets on paper, which converts the nature of an asset (from living man to corporate franchise for example) and the jurisdiction in which it operates (from land law to sea law in this case). These COURTS are being operated under color of law and are trespassing in violation of The Constitution of the United States. See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here: You Know Something is Wrong When..: An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, Additional Information Provided to President Donald Trump and Members of His Cabinet Regarding The Dead Baby Scam. [Cases: Action1. First order of business then, is to get yourself back into the right category, and identify yourself as an American state national, not a "US citizen". We are not dead, not bankrupt, and not amused. We don't have the manpower, but we could hire enough paralegals and PARSE experts to get it done. This is why you always need representation when involved in legal matters, because youre dead. So before I get off-track and into the bushes --- that is what a "Birth Certificate" is and it is basically the same as a car registration. Foreign Situs Trust All payment necessary for your continued functioning and for the reduction of your national debts is provided for via Mutual Offset Credit Exchange against credit already owed to the American States and People. You need to think it through in a logical sequence and then reverse that sequence. According to the Bar Association Manual and the Government Printing Office and Federal Bureau of Engraving and Black's Law Dictionary and the Chicago Manuel of Style, the only things that can be named using All Capital Letters are: (1) Corporations or (2) Dead men's estates. The Municipal United States Government then gets in the act and "confers" a STRAWMAN persona upon you as well. constitutionally protected, group of persons. -- the IMF supposedly pays the US Treasury around $600,000. Oh, my, Matilda, the horses can talk and the sheep can dance! This book honors the 77th anniversary of House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 which Congress passed to suspend the gold standard and abrogate the gold clause of our national Constitution. It is an Eternal Shame that any Church has colluded to Dishonor the Covenant between Mankind and our Creator. The American States Assembly Record that. Pirates. Secret Trust January 2020 If you want a government that protects you, a government that doesn't steal from you, harass you, threaten you, or harm you --- then, it's high time that you start backing Your Government and participating in it and supporting it with your money and your skills and your time. The Action Steps outlined here and in the International Public Notice Regarding The Dead Baby Scam are sufficiently logical for everyone to comprehend and we also trust that your duty to the American States and People to defend our land assets from any enemy foreign or domestic is clear. June 2019 1.) ThePropertyof anyEstatecreated through a Temporary (Testamentary)Trustmay be regarded as under Cestui Que Use by the, , even if another name or description is used to define the type of, In 1534, prior to the 1st Cestui Que Vie Act (1540), Henry VIII declared the first Cestui Que Vie typeestatewith the Act of Supremecy which created theCrownEstate. Read this book at your own risk. All demands for payment are demands for money. All subcontracting Agencies of the Municipal Government are to be fully informed of their status and the personnel briefed concerning this fraud, so that every American however employed knows what went on here. All of this was going on under whose noses? And a lie however it is expressed is still a lie. If your name appears like this: JOHN ALLEN DOE, the bonds have been issued against your ESTATE on the presumption that you donated it to the State of State or STATE OF STATE Organization. August 2019 (SAPP vs. Tallahassee, 348 So. Mr. Lincoln left them the Lieber Code to administer -- basically, instructions for what they were supposed to do and how they were supposed to conduct themselves and over time, that morphed into the Hague Conventions. It appears to be a record belonging to us but, in fact, it is a registration document issued by a foreign government. There are two peaceful ways out of this box. And they've been misdirecting our Employees to racketeer against us and to misidentify our political status, to impersonate us, and to defraud us. If there is anyone out there who is willing to fund the effort, the Living Law Firm can ferret out the statutes guaranteeing Common Law Copyrights in all fifty of the States of States. UCC: How to Own Your Strawman - NewEarth University Please also note that it's right and proper for you to record --- record, not "register"--- your interest in your own Given Name and Estate and anything else that is named after you via infringement on your Common Law Copyright guaranteed under the Copyright Act of 1795 and still standing. (Bened. You do that by placing evidence of your true political standing and Lawful Person capacity on the public record. In 1604, seventy (70) years later, James I of England modified the, as theCrownUnion (Union of Crowns).

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