can you sell replicas on mercari

Gambling, including using this service for raffles and mystery purchases, Dealing with this situation for the past week has done nothing for my situation besides give me a headache. This does not hold true in my three purchases on Mercari @ least in regard to Mercari withdrawing funds from PayPal. It also did not have as much memory or hard drive space as advertised. And I did for fill out form. Until then, Mercari holds the sellers payment but if the buyer fails to confirm the order within 3 days of delivery, Mercari will release the payment to the seller. Their shipping is HORRIBLE. To keep the marketplace safe all sellers need to verify their identity. This is a great option if you have a lot of items and you dont have time for thinking about the price of each of them. I went through paypal to get my money back. If you got new fitness equipment recently and now your old set of dumbbells is collecting dust, you can sell them on Mercari Local and skip the shipping. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase from sellers who have earned all of the following badges: Lastly, check whether the sellers profile is verified and how long he or she has been on Mercari. He knows he is getting some freebies. Im never gonna sell anything to people with PO BOX address again. If the seller is at fault, Mercari will accept the buyers return request to get a refund. I have been in constant contact with Mercari and received the following: Hit your target markets bullseye and claim your. I WILL NEVER ORDER THRU MERCARI EVER AGAIN. Regulated financial products and services such as: Bonds, securities, warranties and insurance, Buying and selling gift cards or prepaid cards. etc., etc.. Take note of items that you can't sell on Mercari. (I think they should improve this functionality of Mercari). I will never buy or use Mercari App ever I will donate it too Goodwill were it belongs and the money l paid for it as charity They have at Mercari low class sellers and high tax and shipping cost LESSON Learned!! Tip always ask questions and more pictures if needed If youre wondering how to sell on Mercari, you have come to the right place. Ive tried both Mercari Shipping and Ship on Your Own over the years. The Buyer has three (3) calendar days to mail the item back or the Return can be nulled. Dont wait and get yourself into my situation. But buyers BEWARE because I got scammed not once but TWICE, latest being today when I received synthetic hair extension not worth more than $10 which I paid $135 + shipping for! Payments are processed on the site, preventing fraud or scamming people through the site. I would say that 50 percent maybe more of the jordans on mercari are fakes. The second computer has never arrived. I took my selling/buying seriously, almost like a second job. I just had someone purchase some Oakley sunglasses off me and I think I'll pass on selling on there. I only buy and sale luxury items Fool me once I guess! That's what it is. The seller failed to disclose damages to this item. Have you had bad experiences with either? I contacted the seller about another coach purse and asked to see the handle do to the fact l purchased a another purse with cracked handles . I've not only contacted them through the app, but I've called them multiple times as well. If you don't ABSOLUTELY know whether the item is authentic, do no attempt to sell it on eBay or anywhere else. It was the weekend and I could not do it. If you attempt to sell prohibited items according to Mercari's guidelines, your account will be suspended, and all your transactions will be canceled. Seller Stories: Emily T. on how to sell kids' gear and household goods Please know, how much I really enjoyed your class! Nothing another read through wont catch. If I had verifiable proof of authenticity, Id consider doing it just to teach him a lesson (though thatd just cost me even more money/time). Part of their agreement with approved vendors is that these "seconds" cannot be described or sold as a genuine and perfect original. Mercari is still asking for more pictures. I am currently dealing with this issue. They know dam$ well that youre PAYING, to sell & ship if you take those deals. For example, you didnt receive the item or it is not as described, etc.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'ecomsay_com-leader-4','ezslot_17',137,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ecomsay_com-leader-4-0'); Once you paid for the item via PayPal and the seller shipped the item, you must: Always ask for a tracking number from the seller once you paid for the item. In this article, we will compile a list of useful and actionable tips on how Mercari works, what you can sell on Mercari, what the Mercari seller fees and shipping options are, and how to sell on Mercari and other marketplaces fast and effectively by using Crosslist. I tried that, this happened. Feel free to complete this process on your computer or phone, the steps are the same. The bad thing is this seller had over 50 completed transactions with fairly good feedback. Mercari doesn't care about the replica sellers. LUCKILY, I did not mark the item delivered only by pure chance. Yes, it can be worth it to sell on Mercari. Denied return because I could not give them their pictures in 24 hrs, Same thing happened to me. THAT is outrageous to buy something and NOT have the customer service to make it right. They Lump together seller and buyer ratings to deceive you. Although not recommended, a lot of sellers leave the product description blank. Your submission has been automatically removed because your account is less than one day old. It was damaged when the seller listed it. Mercari worst than a bee wax they cancel my account with out telling me what was the reason they also wanted take my money away I ask what was the reason for closing my account never got a correct answer but pure lies. Because it was the weekend, I was not able to take the photos. or activity that in general: The list of Prohibited Items may be updated from time to time at Mercaris Many complaints are for 1000s of dollars Text messages only. Congrats, and also I had an issues with that. There is absolutely zero customer service absolutely no concern for their customers which are being put in to dangerous situations. I would not do business with them even if I could save a ton of money. I DID THE SAME THING AND I WISH I HAD A PHYSICAL ADDRESS WE COULD GO VISIT THESE THUGS AND SEE WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAY. Just like a counterfeit $100 bill. Heres the recommended shipping method based on package weight and size: If you ship locally, you can skip the meetup for a small fee, and an Uber driver will deliver your package for you at a time that works for your schedule. It's really disappointing. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'ecomsay_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',142,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ecomsay_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');On top of all that, sellers should avoid listing items that are on Mercaris prohibited items list. Your email address will not be published. Sellers sign up to Mercari and list their items for free. To get unbanned, file an appeal by reaching out to customer service to get your account back if you think Mercari made a mistake. Thank you! i know some of their support are annoying as hell but you might get a better customer support. Seasonal Decor. There is also an identification verification process to further protect all users, as well as a review system that lets each participant in the shopping experience rate the other party. The site charges a 10% commission on sales, plus a $2 processing fee for direct deposits under $10. Once an order is placed, make sure to ship the item as soon as possible. Should it ne bad Enoch to warrant a refund. Mercari has a strict policy of not selling counterfeit products and takes strict action against sellers who list fake products on the platform. The names List Perfectly, Vendoo, Crosslist, Poshmark, Tradesy, Mercari, Depop, Grailed, Facebook Marketplace, eBay, Kidizen, and Etsy, as well as related names, marks, emblems and images are registered trademarks of their respective owners. Got an extra air fryer, a kid's bike, or a big . Oh, and they took out the money the same day I order it. It could be that the zip is not stitched completely straight, or the logo is not printed perfectly, or a hundred other tiny flaws in the manufacturing process which fail the scrutiny of the final quality inspector. It does not release payment to the seller until the buyer confirms that the item is delivered and it is as described. You can unsubscribe from Mercari emails by clicking on an email sent by them and scrolling to the bottom and looking for unsubscribe and then uncheck the boxes. Please, I wont even collect from some of them because they are so nasty its not worth it. When I got them I immediately noticed they were not mens boots but womens boots. Be creative but dont give false promises. I didnt see anywhere how I get paid when an item sells. It's not only eBay policy you are violating, but federal copyright law. Then, if no return confirmation, releasing the funds to the seller. I was ALARMED and compared the shirt to my authentics and got it authenticated from an outside service as well and both confirmed that it was a fake shirt . Mercari is a growing marketplace that attracts new shoppers and sellers daily. Also, its good to know that Mercari invests a lot in the safety of buyers and sellers. Start with a wide shot, and then get closer to show your potential buyer the details of the item. . Sellers have no protections. How to sell Candy and Snacks for Mercari Pro Sellers - Randy Dreammaker Home - The eBay Community with copyrighted characters, brand logos, etc. They expect you to take whatever they offer. Mercari was founded by a Japanese serial entrepreneur, Shintaro Yamada, and their offices are located in Japan, United States, and India. Save yourself some real money and buy on eBay. Think you dont have anything worth selling? 18 Best Places To Sell Designer Shoes (Online and Near You) Sheriff Mark Lamb. For Mercari, these items include: Illegal items Tobacco product Drugs Alcohol FDA restricted items such as vitamins, diet products, home remedies, and homemade cosmetics (anything ingestible) yep, something is not right. or selling lottery tickets and pull tabs. You can of course flip items too: buy something online you will later sell for a higher price. Mercari failed to protect the buyer despite what they claim. 'In honor of imnotlegolas for starting this subreddit. Payments are processed on the site, preventing fraud or scamming people through the site. It is pointless for a buy buyer get rated. Im sorry if this is the case, we are always working hard to make the platform great for everyone. If they lied about receiving it then how did they send it back? discretion). Heres a reward in the form of a 10% discount code on your first month ofCrosslist (add during check-out). There is a 10% selling fee for each item on Mercari. Youre welcome, Deborah. Any items sent without a tracking number are subject to cancellation, even if sent. Also the compliance team are the only group that have any authority. In one instance, Mercari withdrew funds THREE times for the SAME transaction, and it took multiple contacts with customer service to rectify. Although it's a legit platform, there are definitely possibilities of getting scammed by sellers and buyers on Mercari. BEWARE BUYERS!!!! Terrible. Before buying or selling anything, it is extremely important to ensure that the buyer or seller you are dealing with is trustworthy. Where in the article and comments do you see anything that would cause you to come to your conclusion? that are soiled with human materials such as used underwear, Sexually related items such as sex toys and fetish items. Commission. The list of prohibited items on Mercari includes alcohol, tobacco, but also non-brand, non-genuine, imitation, fake, or replica goods, food, and any kind of weapons. He even went so far as having the post office send me a tracking number which turned out to be invalid. Just got burned by the Mercari system. I am going to share my top tips with you that will help you prevent getting scammed when buying and selling on Mercari. Note: Flammable or combustible liquids and any other items that require The most important part of this section is the listing title, because its what buyers initially see. As a seller once your item is in the carriers hands, its out of your control. At first glance, you might think youre getting a great deal, but youre probably looking at a scam. I would have sold it locally even for higher price. Mercarii may try to find or fabricate a reason for them to keep your money such as you sold counterfeit airpods but they cant throw that on everyone whose money they keep / steal sometimes they have no TOS violations at all so they make up reasons usually around ID verification. Take a look at this quick guide about selling on Mercari. bonds, stocks, etc. I provided all the details to Mercari and they didn't further investigate the seller. Not to mention, incorporating lots of keywords will get your items in front of more people. Authenticity guidelines - Mercari: Your Marketplace Authenticity guidelines Items that are known or suspected to be replicas, imitations, or in any way not authentic should not be listed on Mercari. NO.. That is a yard sale handbag . Products designed to circumvent copyright protection techniques or Can they ever accidentally authenticate a fake bag? And they said yes it would fit yours. After refusing to refund my money for a item that turned out to be broken I reached out to the mercari team. For example, if you are selling a wedding dress, explain to the Mercari shoppers what a magical wedding that was. AND I WILL MAKE SURE PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT THEIR BUSINESS PRACTICES. Just about everyone has SOMEthing taking up space in their home that someone else would appreciate, and you can sell just about anything on Mercari listing takes just seconds! Do not use this app if you are a serious seller. By doing that, you are unlikely to be scammed or encounter any other problems when buying and selling on Mercari.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'ecomsay_com-netboard-1','ezslot_22',144,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ecomsay_com-netboard-1-0'); And obviously, not doing so will certainly result in scams and other issues. The security team will look into what the violation was and lock your account in the meantime. These are items that copy the styling but do not purport to be originals. Check to be sure your items are suitable for selling on Mercari, and make an honest assessment . Therefore, you should always avoid selling items that are not allowed by Mercari. shipped at a future date, Restricted from shipping in the mail or other delivery services, Products that have been recalled by the Consumer Product Safety At the cost of those of us that have not stood up and challenged them. Mercari itself is definitely a trustworthy e-commerce marketplace. The details section helps Mercari surface the right products for shoppers, so make sure you fill out these 4 questions. 6 surprising things you can sell on Mercari Good Luck to you. 131 of 1948). Customer Service did nothing but give me a run around for weeks and weeks. Hi, Mercari handled the situation, was very empathetic, explained where I made the mistake, and actual gave me credit for the item, as well as the buyer was able to keep the item. I guess I am done with this site. I took down all my listings. We cant reach Mercari by phone, and via chat Mercari is not being responsive at all. Add your suggestions on how the items can be used or reused. The app wont load pictures to show damage, the customer support is a voicemail and their email support just recycles the oh cant help you this is the wrong email associated with your account when it is. places like Ebay are better, Hi all , I have been shopping and selling on Mercari for few years They wanted photos from every possible angle within 24 hrs! When listing an item, make sure all details in your listing are accurate such as: You should always use original photos of the products in natural light so that buyers can see the exact color of the items. EXACTLY. Just like most other selling sites. can you sell replicas on mercari. Also, the compliance team are the only real division of the company that makes decisions on suspensions and authenticity. Theyll look something up, see it on some crazy sale and rifle off that they want to pay those prices LOL! Mercari let seller keep my printer he claimed he wanted to return AND CLOSED MY ACCOUNT with out resolving this matter. in violation or is otherwise inappropriate Mercari may, at its discretion, They refuse to cooperate and insist that the credits are there, but they arent. Everyone who has stolen from me there STILL has accounts. Make a note in your description on bundles: if a buyer purchases more than one item from you, you can ship them all together, and save them the cost of added shipping. Tried to contact Mercari through the website, but it said they would not take my request, I needed to wait 48 hrs. This will be my first-time. This also personally helps me build momentum when it comes to listing. Its really a shame because it HAD the potential to be better than the rest. Please log in again. Mercari sends you a message upon receipt telling you to confirm and rate but they do not tell you the rating will nullify any warranty / refunds. . Sad to hear that, thank you Julie for sharing your sons experience with Mercari. eBay takes buyers sides, but not quite as easily as Mercari. Do not use them. AFTER 2 DAYS THEY SAY THEY CANT FIND MY ACCOUNT. Moreover, you can also sell your unused items here. Buyer beware. I can't tell nor do I know - can't I list the purse as "not sure if authentic or not" or some such.

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