younger dryas flood map

hydrology elem.className = elem.className + ' _has_error'; The floods trail of destruction can still be seen throughout the geology of North America. In my recent video on the subject of a 'Global Great Flood', I explained how I didn't think there was ever one since the end of the last glacial maximum, and. Firestone et al., 2007, PNAS 104 (41): 16016-16021, proposed that a major cosmic impact, circa 10,835 cal. e.preventDefault(); Originally the ice-sheets were thought to have melted over tens of thousands of years in a very slow process. It is, however, consistent with the Younger Dryas Boundary impact hypothesis postulating a major extraterrestrial impact involving multiple airbursts and/or ground impacts at 12,900 years ago.'. Some scientists believe this was caused when the North American ice sheet receded past the St Laurence river causing all of the fresh water melt from the glaciers to flow up the St Laurence into the North . Further climatic deterioration is thought to have brought about cereal cultivation. You can view the entire geomorphological database in this PDF map (Bickerdike et al., 2016). This event is believed to have caused widespread destruction and resulted in significant changes . if (!value.match(/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$/)) { Effects of the Younger Dryas were of varying intensity throughout North America. if (typeof(trackcmp_url) != 'undefined' && trackcmp_url) { The precise mechanism for the rapid melting is still the subject of active research. erosion PY - 2021/5/19. } This included the Columbia Basin, an area that featured largely in Bretzs proposal for catastrophic flooding. Here, we have hosted these shapefiles on ArcGIS Online and made them publically available. Modified 3 years, 1 month ago. }; [101] Finally, research by Lohe and others in western Norway has reported a sea-level low-stand at 13,640calibrated years ago and a subsequent Younger Dryas transgression starting at 13,080calibrated years ago. This places the melt of the Cordilleran Ice-Sheet to a time earlier than the Younger Dryas. tooltip = create_tooltip(elem, "Please select an option. More information. The cold period that occurred within the Blling oscillation is known as the intra-Blling cold period, and the cold period that occurred within the Allerd oscillation is known as the intra-Allerd cold period. The largest documented ice dam burst is a thousand times smaller than the ice present at the end of the last ice age. [17] It is in sharp contrast to the warming of the preceding Older Dryas interstadial. [7][8][9][10], The Younger Dryas is the youngest and longest of three stadials, which resulted from typically abrupt climatic changes that took place over the last 16,000years. It is now clear that the ice was completely gone in as little as a few thousand years. } First, the plotting of data by Bard and others suggests a small drop, less than 6m, in sea level near the onset of the Younger Dryas. var needs_validate = function(el) { The five horizontal buttons are, in turn, Measure, Basemap, Legend, Layer, and Information (same as the Splash screen). }; In a recent paper (), Brand and McCarthy present evidence for such a drop in mollusks from two sites south of Ottawa, Canada.However, the time of this drop is poorly constrained, and the event may postdate the onset of the Younger . Evidence suggests that most of the increase in temperature between the Last Glacial Maximum and the Holocene took place in the immediate aftermath of the Oldest Dryas and Younger Dryas, with there being comparatively little variations in global temperature within the Oldest and Younger Dryas periods and within the BllingAllerd warming. Mar 1. This means that the event took place about 13,000 years ago and lasted for about 1,300 years. What are the processes active in these different landsystems? The Oldest Dryas occurred about 1,770calibrated years before the Younger Dryas and lasted about 400calibrated years. var remove_tooltip = function(elem) { The preceding Allerd warm period (interstadial) is subdivided into three events: Greenland Interstadial-1c to 1a (GI-1c to GI-1a). At this time (12,900 to 11,700 years ago), there was a period of abrupt cooling. if (needs_validate(elem)) { [54], The effects of the Younger Dryas cooling affected the area that is now New England and parts of maritime Canada more rapidly than the rest of the present day United States at the beginning and the end of the Younger Dryas chronozone. The Younger Dryas is named after an indicator genus, the alpine-tundra wildflower Dryas octopetala, as its leaves are occasionally abundant in late glacial, often minerogenic-rich sediments, such as the lake sediments of Scandinavia. no_error = elem.checked; Map of the Younger Dryas temperature anomaly (a). submitted = true; if (!no_error) { BP) in the Luka profile; this may have been related to the . There is a possible corresponding change in the rate of change of sea level rise seen in the data from both Barbados and Tahiti. In the same time period archaeologists have also noted the sudden the disappearance of theClovis people. "This is the smoking gun for fingerprinting glacial lake outbursts," Driscoll said. for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { Now the evidence of a planet-shaking flood during this time is mounting. (function(el) { var validate_form = function(e) { Down the PDF map from Bickerdike et al. The Younger Dryas was the last stage of the Pleistocene epoch that spanned from 2,580,000 to 11,700 years BP and it preceded the current, warmer . window.cfields = []; This process is well documented in Iceland, when volcanic activity under glaciers causes rapid melting of ice, causing ice dam bursts. } var tooltip = document.createElement('div'), arrow = document.createElement('div'), inner = document.createElement('div'), new_tooltip = {}; In Great Britain, beetle fossil evidence suggests that the mean annual temperature dropped to 5C (23F),[20] and periglacial conditions prevailed in lowland areas, and icefields and glaciers formed in upland areas. Credit: Izhar Cohen. Learn how your comment data is processed. div.className = '_error-html'; err.className = '_error-inner _form_error _no_arrow'; return match ? FEMA maintains and updates data through flood maps and risk assessments. The Younger Dryas Hypothesis. Geography Map. One of the biggest mysteries is what caused the prehistoric North American ice sheet to disappear. remove_tooltip(elem) : false; storymaps Younger Dryas H: Heinrich event 36,000-39,000 y.a; part of the 'middling' phase (Oxygen Isotope stage 3). An example of this is the Sajama ice core (Bolivia), for which the timing of the DCR has been pinned to that of the GISP2 ice core record (central Greenland). Evidence has been mounting for over a century and has tipped the possibility of a single catastrophic flooding event could have pre-empted the end of the ice age. At the base of that "well-behaved" layer is a distinct, debris-rich layer that has been seen elsewhere in Greenland ice cores, and is thought to represent the Younger Dryas cold period, which . var selected = true; This event is largely known as Younger Dryas. var results = new RegExp(regexStr).exec(allInputs[i].name); PDF. Thousands of square miles of vegetation were completely washed away as well as intense amounts of soil and sediment. addEvent(form_to_submit, 'submit', form_submit); Welcome to the Younger Dryas Glacial Map! The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, also known as Clovis comet hypothesis, posits that the hemisphere-wide debris field of a large, disintegrating asteroid (or comet) struck North America, South America, Europe, and western Asia approximately 12,800 years ago. for (var i = 0; i < radios.length; i++) { Click the image below to launch the Younger Dryas Glacial Map. The late Pleistocene cold glacial climate that built immense . But others have held out, suggesting that volcanic eruptions or, what seems to be the leading favorite, some sort of massive freshwater flood temporarily disrupted climate cycles based out of the North Atlantic. } Climatic forcing moved cold air into the northern portion of the American interior, much as it did the Northeast. Glaciers began to grow again in much of upland Britain. This can help to reconstruct the ice surface. Subglacial drainage was inhibited, for at least some of the melt season. Try zooming in, and then changing the Basemap to Satellite Imagery to see high-resolution satellite imagery of your field of view. [112][113] The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis attributes the cooling to the impact of a disintegrating comet or asteroid, but this idea is rejected by most experts. // Site tracking URL to use after inline form submission. There has long been a fair amount of skepticism about the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, to put it lightly. ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) But if this is true, then the Carolina Bay impacts must be coincident with a mass extinction of fauna, especially in North America, and also coincident with a major change in the climate of the . So, apparently, all the extra-terrestrial fireworks did nothing to the Atlanteans. Tick the check box in the Select Tool drop-down menu for the layer that you want to select. All North American megafauna was wiped out precisely 12,900 years ago, at the very beginning of the Younger Dryas Ice Age period. By default, they are filtered to the map extent. [108][109] It is often noted that the Younger Dryas is merely the last of 25 or 26 such major episodes (Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events) over the past 120 thousand years. I'd love for someone to weigh in and point out anything I have missed. if (input.type == 'text') { Other lines of evidence also suggest Hiawatha could be the Younger Dryas impact. ", "Prolonged heavy snowfall during the Younger Dryas", "An ice-climate oscillatory framework for Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles", "The anatomy of past abrupt warmings recorded in Greenland ice", "Rain driven by receding ice sheets as a cause of past climate change", "Evidence for a Solar flare cause of the Pleistocene mass extinction", "Did a massive Solar proton event fry the Earth? [59], Vegetation in the central Appalachian Mountains east towards the Atlantic Ocean was dominated by spruce (Picea spp.) 2010; 464 (7289):740-743. (2016, 2018a, 2018b). selected = false; Choose Terrain with Labels to see a digital terrain model. "); Partway through this transition, temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere suddenly returned to near-glacial conditions. World Map with Meteor Impact Craters . The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis (YDIH) or Clovis comet hypothesis is a speculative attempt to explain the onset of the Younger Dryas (YD) as an alternative to the long-standing and widely accepted cause due to a significant reduction or shutdown of the North Atlantic "Conveyor" in response to a sudden influx of freshwater from Lake Agassiz and deglaciation in North America. err.parentNode.removeChild(err) : false; var elem = allInputs[i]; Moraine ridges are the most abundant; these are the moraine ridges that were deposited at the terminus of glaciers during the Younger Dryas glaciation of Britain. [104][105] The global climate would then have become locked into the new state until freezing removed the fresh water "lid" from the North Atlantic. This theory suggests that a catastrophic event, such as a massive flood, occurred at the end of the last Ice Age, around 12,800 years ago. SWW The Younger Dryas Cold Event (ca. element.addEventListener(event, func); Its size compared with man on road at left. Deplete and Retreat Publications and Outputs, An introduction to the Physical Geography of Antarctica StoryMap, Not so humbly Humboldt: the queer relationships of a German explorer. })(input); and tamarack (Larix laricina) boreal forests that later changed rapidly to temperate, more broad-leaf tree forest conditions at the end of the Younger Dryas period. remove_tooltips(); Those areas have at least a one-in-four chance of flooding during a 30-year mortgage. case-study elem.parentNode.appendChild(tooltip); var setCookie = function(name, value) { [16], Since 1916 and the onset and the subsequent refinement of pollen analytical techniques and a steadily-growing number of pollen diagrams, palynologists have concluded that the Younger Dryas was a distinct period of vegetational change in large parts of Europe during which vegetation of a warmer climate was replaced by that of a generally cold climate, a glacial plant succession that often contained Dryas octopetala. And the Clovis . } err.appendChild(div); (2016, 2018a, 2018b). careers The Younger Dryasthe last major cold episode on Earthis generally considered to have been triggered by a meltwater flood into the North Atlantic. }); if (!submitted) { ", "Why won't this debate about an ancient cold snap die? } else if (elem.type =='checkbox') { 1 ). The map includes a number of overlays which visualize the large ice field which ran the length of the Western Highlands in Scotland during the Younger Dryas. err.push("Checking %s is required".replace("%s", elems[i].value)); Other proxy data, such as dust concentration and snow accumulation, suggest an even more rapid transition, which would require about 7C (13F) of warming in just a few years. } tooltip.innerHTML = text; [114] The Laacher See volcanic eruption hypothesis has likewise been ruled out because precise dating demonstrates that it erupted more than 200 years before the Younger Dryas onset. You can zoom in on a selected area by pressing Shift and drawing a box with your mouse (SHIFT and DRAG). The reduction in northward heat transport warmed the Southern Hemisphere due to a process commonly referred to as . The massive freshwater flood thought to have caused the 'Big Freeze,' or Younger Dryas, likely occurred farther north than previously thought, new research suggests. } Copy link. Note: Earth-Pages will be closing as of early July, but will continue in another form at Earth-logs A sudden collapse of global climate around 12.8 ka and equally brusque warming 11.5 ka ago is called the Younger Dryas. if (fieldVal) { }; [98][99][100] Finally, not only did the Younger Dryas postdate both all of meltwater pulse1A and predate all of meltwater pulse1B, it was a period of significantly-reduced rate of sea level rise relative to the periods of time immediately before and after it. script.charset = 'utf-8'; The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis posits that fragments of a large (more than 4 KM in diameter), disintegrating asteroid, or comet, struck North America, South . if (allInputs[i].value == fieldVal) { if (!selected) { What theories have been proposed to explain the cooling during the Younger Dryas. The most accepted theory of how the North American glaciers melted is the ice-dam burst theory. if (typeof serialize !== 'undefined') window._old_serialize = window.serialize; if (typeof window._form_callback !== 'undefined') window._form_callback(id); Generally, in areas where mapping of individual features overlapped areas of general hummocky moraine, only the detailed features were digitised to prevent the database becoming too cluttered. [21] Nothing of the period's size, extent, or rapidity of abrupt climate change has been experienced since its end. You can view the Metadata by clicking on the three little dots to the right of each layer in the Layer List. found = true;, Bickerdike, H. L., Cofaigh, C., Evans, D. J. tooltip = create_tooltip(elem, "Enter a valid email address. } For most of the 20th-century geologists believed the transition out of the ice age was a gradual process. no_error = false; . Meltwater channels can therefore help to determine the location of the ice margin, and also determine the nature and style of glaciation. break; } model The earth, as it turns out, was violently pulled out of the ice age. 1] [1]). [60] During the Younger Dryas, the Southeastern United States was warmer and wetter than the region had been during the Pleistocene[61][53][62] because of trapped heat from the Caribbean within the North Atlantic Gyre caused by a weakened Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). } var err = form_to_submit.querySelector('._form_error'), no_error = true; There are three moraine shapefiles in the Younger Dryas Glacial Map. tooltip = create_tooltip(elem, "This field is required. no_error = false; [Google Scholar . = 'block'; }; This vegetation map showing the eastern USA during the period 28,000-25,000 14C y.a. Interpretations of data from Chinese also confirm that the Younger Dryas East Asia lags the North Atlantic Younger Dryas cooling by at least 200~300years. var regexStr = "field\\[(\\d+)\\]"; Boreas, 47(1), 202224. allInputs[i] = allInputs[i].name; var match = document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(^|; )' + name + '=([^;]+)')); Initially, it was thought it disappeared over tens of thousands of years in a slow gradual melt. has been compiled by Paul & Hazel Delcourt. if (elem.getAttribute('required') !== null) { var form_submit = function(e) { return results != undefined ? A great blanket of ice called the Cordilleran Ice Sheet covered most of Canadian North America, dipping down into parts of the U.S. As the ice melted, it formed lakes like Lake Missoula where the water was held in by a 2,000-foot wall of ice. Archaeological site in Arizona, U.S., with a distinctive black layer, indicating substantial environmental changes beginning about 10,800 BC, with impact debris . He inspired a generation of researchers to have another look at evidence left by end of the ice age. var form_to_submit = document.getElementById('_form_1_'); The end of the Younger Dryas has been dated to around 11,550years ago, occurring at 10,000BP (uncalibrated radiocarbon year), a "radiocarbon plateau" by a variety of methods, mostly with consistent results: The International Commission on Stratigraphy put the start of the Greenlandian stage, and implicitly the end of the Younger Dryas, at 11,700years before 2000. The Younger Dryas was characterized by cooler average temperatures that returned parts of Europe and North America to . A complementary drop in the 18 O in shells from the St. Lawrence Valley at the onset of the Younger Dryas would provide support for the Lake Agassiz flood scenario. for (var i = 0; i < tooltips.length; i++) { This glacial readvance left behind a very distinctive geomorphological imprint on the UK. AU - Sweatman, Martin. You can view the selected features in the Attribute Table, by clicking on the three little dots on the right of the Select drop-down menu. } Flood maps show how likely it is for an area to flood. Photo: Tom Foster. The Earth was hit by a fragmented comet around 13,000 years ago at the end of the Pleistocene Era and scientists are now starting to agree. -warm water flows north toward Iceland along the east coast of the US. The precise timing of the abrupt Younger Dryas onset is still uncertain. Location map showing 53 YD boundary sites. The Younger Dryas Cold Event (ca. Recent study proposed that the snowfall could be a source of continuous freshwater resulting in a prolonged weakened state of the AMOC. [91] Pollen record from the Siskiyou Mountains suggests a lag in timing of the Younger Dryas, indicating a greater influence of warmer Pacific conditions on that range,[92] but the pollen record is less chronologically constrained than the aforementioned speleothem record. The analysis of Greenland Summit ice cores, as part of the Greenland Ice Sheet Project2 and Greenland Icecore Project, estimated that the Younger Dryas started about 12,800ice (calibrated) yearsBP. 11,810-11,160 cal. [64][65] Although there was not as abrupt a delineation as seen on the Eastern Seaboard, the Midwest was significantly colder in the northern interior than it was south, towards the warmer climatic influence of the Gulf of Mexico. tooltip ? }); [110][107] The Younger Dryas is best known and best understood because it is the most recent. "); . ice stream The Younger Dryas is the period between 12,900 to 11,700 years BP. 12.9-11.6 ka) has long been viewed as the canonical abrupt climate event ( [Fig. } this.value = this.value.trim(); [22][23], Examples of older Younger Dryas-like events have been reported from the ends (called terminations)[a] Does anyone live near to any glacial landforms? In fitting the sea level curve, the shallowest A. palmata were assumed to be living closer to the sea surface than those plotting deeper and are used as guide points to generate a "best fit" curve. Alexander Island fieldwork } Temperature fluctuations over the past 17.000 years showing the abrupt cooling during the Younger Dryas. Its date is not well defined, with estimates varying by 400 years, but its duration is agreed to have been around 200 years. [87] An increase of pine pollen indicates cooler winters within the central Cascades. They concluded that the timing of the Allerd low-stand and the subsequent transgression were the result of increased regional loading of the crust, and geoid changes were caused by an expanding ice sheet, which started growing and advancing in the early Allerd about 13,600calibrated years ago, well before the start of the Younger Dryas. One initial problem with the hypothetical Ice-dam burst theory is that it has never been seen on a scale of an ice age. The advance is similar in age to the Two Creeks forest bed in Wisconsin. An event that occurred about 12,800 years before present (BP), termed the Younger Dryas (YD), is the canonical example of abrupt climate change. ice flow arrow.className = '_error-arrow'; Proxy data recorded in the stalagmite indicate that more than 550calibrated years were needed for Younger Dryas drought conditions to reach their full extent in the region and about 450calibrated years to return to pre-Younger Dryas levels after it ended.[41]. tooltip.className = '_error'; The Younger Dryas Glacial Map is an interactive map which reconstructs the extent of the glaciers formed in Scotland and northern England during the Younger Dryas. Noah and the Younger Dryas Did an asteroid cause the flood mentioned in the OT. This icefield was surrounded by numerous smaller icefields, ice caps, valley glaciers and cirque or niche glaciers. of older glacial periods. for (var i = 0, len = allInputs.length; i < len; i++) { func.apply(this, arguments); 1) thermohaline circulation: ocean currents are continually exchanged. }); The geomorphological evidence has been organised into a series of shapefiles, each containing a different landform type. [7][8] Measurements of oxygen isotopes from the GISP2 ice core suggest the ending of the Younger Dryas took place over just 40~50years in three discrete steps, each lasting five years. A long established and complex ancient culture was seemingly wiped from the planet in an instance. match[2] : null; } Its hard to picture that the earth was in a full glacial ice age just 12 000 years ago. [17], In addition to the Younger, Older, and Oldest Dryases, a century-long period of colder climate, similar to the Younger Dryas in abruptness, has occurred within both the Blling oscillation and the Allerd oscillation interstadials. validate_field(this, true); The presence of a distinct cold period at the end of the LGM interval has been known for a long time. Across North America lie Bretzs noted scars of a huge body of water that flooded prehistoric earth. This time slice constitutes part of the period between 57,000 & 24,000 years ago (Oxygen Isotope . if (elem.options[i].selected) { antarctica The highest SR values (1.18-1.23 cm yr-1-1) were identified in the transitional layer between the Younger Dryas and the Preboreal chronozone (ca. 12.9-11.6 ka) has long been viewed as the canonical abrupt climate event ( Fig. elem.className = elem.className + ' _has_error'; r = true; [111] Another idea is that a solar flare may have been responsible for the megafaunal extinction, but that cannot explain the apparent variability in the extinction across all continents. T1 - The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis: review of the impact evidence. You can hover over them in the webmap for an explanation. Its named after a flower found in Europe that flourished in the ice age period. The Younger Dryas return to a cold, glacial climate was first considered to be a regional event restricted to Europe, but later studies have shown that it was a world-wide event. Conference err ? var time = now.getTime(); new_tooltip.tip = tooltip; // use this trick to get the submit button & disable it using plain javascript This is an ArcGIS Online Map that shows the geomorphological evidence for glaciation and the reconstructed glaciers and ice caps. } else { }); They are commonly called, The Younger Dryas occurred after meltwater pulse1A, a 13.5m rise over about 290years, centered at about 14,200calibrated years ago, and before meltwater pulse1B, a 7.5m rise over about 160years, centered at about 11,000calibrated years ago. if (! addEvent(window, 'scroll', resize_tooltips); Picking through evidence from Canada's Mackenzie River, geologists now . You may wish to turn Basemap to Light Grey Canvas if drawing time is slow. addEvent(input, 'change', function() { (Comet Research Group / Author Provided) Magnetic grains, often too small to see with the naked eye, can be formed from iron, common in asteroids and comets, vaporizing at very high temperature, in a massive explosion for example, and then condensing into microscopic magnetic iron droplets, like water condensing as rain. The circle shows you where you are. The geological patterns, in his opinion, showed an incredibly large flood of prehistory which occurred due to the ice sheet melted suddenly. Do the geological scars across North America suggest a Younger Dryas flood? var remove_tooltips = function() { In this article, well outline new scientific discussions on earths prehistory and the Younger Dryas flood. resize_tooltips(); if (window._old_serialize) window.serialize = window._old_serialize; Each of these lines of inquiry show suggests a Younger Dryas flood was responsible. } window._show_error = function(id, message, html) { } [72] Evidence also indicates an increase in precipitation in New Mexico because of the same Gulf conditions that were influencing Texas. UK [67] Along the southern margins of the Great Lakes, spruce dropped rapidly, while pine increased, and herbaceous prairie vegetation decreased in abundance, but increased west of the region. Giant ripples averaging 24 feet high in Washington Scablands created by Missoula Flood (also called Spokane Flood) were up to 360 feet between crests. }; } window._show_thank_you = function(id, message, trackcmp_url) { tooltips = []; , 150 , , "!" But many of the giant mammals were dying out. [108][109], There are several hypotheses for the cause of the increased flux of meltwater that led to the Younger Dryas onset. Bateman MD, Dallimore SR, Teller JT, Yang Z. elem.className = elem.className + ' _has_error'; [44] The magnitude and abruptness of the changes would suggest that low latitude climate did not respond passively during the YD/DCR. BCE, triggered the Younger Dryas (YD) climate shift along with changes in human cultures and megafaunal extinctions. remove ? var _removed = false; var fieldVal = getUrlParam(allInputs[i]; Expand. Calculating glacier ice volumes and sea level equivalents, Antarctic supraglacial lakes and ice-shelf collapse, An introduction to the Greenland Ice Sheet, Glacier recession around the Greenland Ice Sheet, Supraglacial hydrology of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Plateau Icefields: Glacial geomorphology of Juneau Icefield, Dealing with uncertainty: predicting future sea level rise, Degree day models: Modelling glacier melt, A introduction to the hierarchy of ice-sheet models, Differences between Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, The role of debris cover on glacier ablation, Introduction to glaciated valley landsystems, Cirque glaciation landsystem of upland Britain, Subpolar landsystems of James Ross Island, Alpine icefield landsystem of upland Britain, Plateau icefield landsystem of upland Britain, Quantifying ice sheet thinning using cosmogenic nuclide ages, In situ 14C exposure age dating in Antarctica, Precision and accuracy in glacial geology, Ice stream initiation on the northern Antarctic Peninsula, Geophysical Surveys: The Gamburtsev Mountains, Glacial geomorphology of the Patagonian Ice Sheet, The westerly winds and the Patagonian Ice Sheet, Glaciolacustrine Landforms in Patagonia, Chile, Introduction to the Glaciation of Britain, The LGM British-Irish Ice Sheet: an introduction, Shelf-edge margins of the British-Irish Ice Sheet, Unlocking ice-flow pathways using glacial erratics, Introduction to the Glacial Landsystems of the Younger Dryas glaciation of Britain, Teaching resources on the last British-Irish Ice Sheet, Post-16 education and A-Level content on AntarcticGlaciers, Deplete and Retreat: future of the Andes Water Towers, Science in Extreme Environments: Juneau Icefield, Alaska, Safety on Glaciers and Icefields: Juneau Icefield, Alaska, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, geomorphological database in this PDF map.

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