what cities are on the 33rd parallel

McVeigh , like the sniper John Muhammed served in 33rd parallel Iraq. BAALBEK , LEBANON LARGEST STONE BLOCKS IN THE WORLD -AND PRIMARY LOCATION OF HUMAN SACRIFICE ON THE PLANET. That may have been a reason for the war itself. Both Israel and The United. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_II_of_Sicily . Thus , the burning cross is a symbol of a sacrifice human sacrifice , Most of the Lynchings took place in 33rd parallel States by a secret society using the, Symbol of a pagan Babylonian solar deity to ritually and publicly torture human beings. The exact coordinates on this site go as follows N 33.291235 it adds up to 22 or 2 11s. In fact there is ritual murder rife throughout Africa and AFRICA IS THE ONLY CONTINENT TO HAVE BOTH THE NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN 33rd PARALLELS RUN THROUGH IT. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Unknown who was used for training purposes. Many British interests and companies involved. Bush launches invasion of Iraq. SPECIFICALLY TO ALLOW THE CREATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS. www.aecf.org/publications/advocasey/spring2003/hiphop/hiphop.htm . www.aina.org/news/20050125100240.htm . The US Supreme Court lifted the ban on executions in 1976. b) Governor George W. Bush as noted previously, set the record for executions in Texas. 4. Are different subsidiaries of the same evil corporate structure. The primarily French built Osiraq reactor is located at the following coordinates: www.fas.org/nuke/guide/iraq/facility/osiraq.htm . what us cities are on the 33rd parallel. www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/race_relations/jan-jun05/anti-lynching_6-13.html . Important info left out. could cause a variance, placing the event closer or further to the 33rd Parallel. 7. Death Row South Carolina : Ridgeville, SC Latitude N 33.0326 ( 3+2+6= 11). Now look at Abu Ghraib photos, the ones we were allowed to see-. It is said to be haunted. 2. 10. This explains Mengele and the, experiments and atrocities that continue to this day. THE LOOTING OF IRAQ UNDER THE SKULL AND BONES ADMINISTRATION IS SIMILAR TO THE NAZIS: MISSING ARE THE LAW TABLETS OF HAMMURABI THE FATHER OF THE DEATH PENALTY.-, The current war in Iraq saw the looting of. There is an extensive grid of interlocking coordinates that appears to unite most. The CIA had extensive contacts in Tibet and had the Dalai Lama provided, There appears to be more than meets the eye on this matter but the information is, The Death Penalty Human Sacrifice of Stanley Tookie Williams, 1. The entire family of the prophet mohammed was killed there. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teutonic_Knights . Disturbing phenomenon might be replicated elsewhere. www.canadafreepress.com/2005/cover120605.htm . 33 MEN SACRIFICED ON 33RD PARALLEL NEW MEXICO IN DIRECT ALIGNMENT WITH A MEMPHIS PYRAMID WITH 9/11 SYMBOLOGY. One of the major historical facts is that the entire system of satanic lore germinated in Babylon which is located precisely on the 33rd Degree Parallel! More Death Penalty Stricter Sentencing. Latitude N 33.890. Texas, Alabama and New Mexico. ARIZONA AND IRAQ BAGHDAD IN PARTICULAR TO PHOENIX. The KLAN WAS FOUNDED IN PULASKI , TENNESSE AT 35.20 N. LATITUDE, THIS COINCIDES WITH HERAKLION (CITY OF HERCULES) CRETE -THE CRADLE OF MINOAN CIVILIZATION WHICH PERFORMED HUMAN SACRIFICE, www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoan_civilization . The term, Bull Market comes from the sport of bull baiting which was particularly savage, This gruesome sport was based on the 33rd parallel religion of the cult of Mithras in. Bush Fraud Investigation Update by Wayne Madsen. www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1257.cfm Clinton Seeks out Voodoo Ritual to avoid Impeachment, Clinton and relationship with Cannibal sorcerer and former leader of Liberia that, Performed human sacrifices to stay in power (but apparently US Marines were stronger). www.abqjournal.com/news/apbranson12-14-05.htm?jsbottom . 1. Raiford , Florida , Florida State Prison N. Latitude 30.05. President George W. Bush. The Arizona Department of Corrections maximum. The CIA is a nazi-created or influenced agency thus the Hojattieh. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ur . If no payment was received death would follow, sooner or later. 3. Walter Cronkite is quoted in his book in 1996 as, Saying that a World Order must emerge in which countries would give up their. after a man whose face is on the new Iraqi dinar. 03. In the New Testament book of Revelation 16: . All members get a number that is divisible by 3. (Pls recall the previously note Cult of Galilieo of the Illuminati.). Maos mentor was the chief librarian of Peking University. 1001 Club (again the 11). www.rrojasdatabank.org/crime2.htm . FDR ,Hitler and Stalin sent expeditions in search of Shambala prior to WWII. What is the motto of Rockefeller University? The number 11. World history. Mass Communication www.cronkite.asu.edu/ . THEIR gods DEMANDED THE BLOOD OF, MANY MANY CHILDREN.This is identical to what the Aztec priests told the, Conquistadors. Middleman among numerous bizarre incidents dealing with this phenomenon. The Esalen Institute is in Big Sur , California. Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry (R ) * info not available on deadlinethemovie link. This led jews to work for the creation of an independent Jewish/Hebraic/Zionist nation-state. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anton_LaVey . Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Be rebuilt to usher in the so-called end times. 1756 Charleston, South Carolina, the original site of Scottish Rite Masonry in the United States, is only 15 miles south of the 33rd Parallel www.insiders.com/santafe/main-cultures2.htm . Clinton lost Governorship. Legalized death penalty whose face is on the Iraqi dinar became intertwined. This raises the possibility that a hereditary descendant of the Assassins could also be, A member of the Society of Skull and Bones. The connection with Branch, Davidians is never noted and would it not be news that the Presidents new ranch just, happens to be in alignment with the temple that must be rebuilt to usher in the reign of, THE HEREDITARY LEADER OF THE CULT OF THE ASSASSINS IS A BUSH CLASSMATE AT YALE- THE ANCIENT STRONGHOLDS OF THIS GROUP STRADDLE THE 33RD PARALLEL DIRECTLY THROUGH BAGHDAD , IRAQ, During the time frame of the Crusades an evil mystical group that made its fortune, through murder and blackmail arose out of the Islamic world. THE INCAS PRACTICED HUMAN SACRIFICE AND MUMMIFICATION LIKE THE INHABITANTS OF MEMPHIS , EGYPT, __MEMPHIS HAD A PYRAMID SHAPED PAVILLION FOR THE TENNESSEE. A) widespread sexual depravity as part of temple religious practice; www.sycophants.info/culture.html . Suggested as a Democratic nominee for Governor in the next election. __IN FACT IT WAS A GEORGIA CASE THAT REINSTATED THE DEATH PENALTY TO COMMENCE EXECUTIONS IN THE DEATH ROW MOST ALIGNED WITH ABU GHRAIB AT THE SAME TIME THE BAATH PARTY WAS COMING TO POWER. The Aleister Crowley connection to Menton, France. The project was called Trinity. c) www.answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=425967, Once an election in Cook County (Chicago) gets stolen it stays stolen, d) www.coat.ncf.ca/our_magazine/links/54/54_35.pdf. www.unknowncountry.com/mindframe/opinion/?id=65 . The purpose of the colony was to sell, Another drug, opium to China. 6. The pyramid at the luxor resulted in death during construction, has had numerous suicides and construction workers refused to work there. The most important center of the ancient world from there. To cartographers as the 33rd parallel North latitude. He wanted to take over the Russian embassy rather than the US and round up the. His medals for wounds 3 of them- he lost no blood for and got an early. Transplants. A priest was caught once acting as a. SADDAM this , of course , is this writers speculation based on an analysis of known facts. 6. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_19 . Google Black Goat Sacrifice A ton of black magic sites will appear discussing, All aspects of the sacrifice of black goats in Santeria, Satanism and anything of an. Geronimo was bulletproof thanks to the spirits. What about Memphis, Elvis, Little Egypt, and the new Madrid fault line? This correlates to the Bull Worship associated with Persian ruled, www.astrospeak.indiatimes.com/articleshow/600801.cms . He favors EXPANDING, www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/759321/posts .). The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Some oddities surfaced that were discussed in an article posted. Are bisected by the 33rd parallel. Further: Father of Jesus could theoretically be a Pleiadean. For more U.S. locations including cities, towns, parks and more, use the Find Latitude and Longitude tool. www.counterpunch.org/madsen04142003.html . number of turns in a complete sequence of human DNA equals 33. Was Alamogordo , New Mexico. GILGAMESH CADAVER IS THE FIRST DISCOVERY OF A, HUMAN GOD HYBRID. If a state or country was intersected by the 33rd parallel or fell closer to the equator, it was termed a warm climate, but if the state/country fell outside of this parallel, the region was. Unveiling The Strange Link Between Men In Black And The HOLLOW EARTH, USS Stein Was Attacked By A Strage 46 Meter Huge Sea Creature In 1978, Scientists Say They Can Go Back In Time In A Quantum System: We Have Made Science Fiction Real!, Swastika: The 12,000 Years old History of one of the most powerful symbol. 8. This cult. 2. 4. The 11 again. In the human body. www.home.earthlink.net/~pgwhacker/ChristianOrigins/PaganChrists.html . www.consespain-usa.org/intro/biografias/ing/24.html . IT IS STILL NOT A FEDERAL OFFENSE. The solar eye of the freemasons and the capstone of the pyramid. Thus Zionism / ritual murder allegations / 33rd parallel all coincide. 17. It was the less, Sophisticated tribes that did not perform these acts. The 33rd Parallel has a southern counterpart to the more important northern one. A, Decoration for Valor based on the Teutonic Knights. Multibillion dollar industry is largely based here. OF NOTE IS THE WEARING OF, THE RED FEZ CAPThis symbolizes the victory of mohammeds forces, Over Christianity. 6. This was also the date in which the, Republican Party was founded and Galileos Dialogue for Discussion of Two World. Related facility. The word Osirak is a blend of the Egyptian god of the dead Osiris and Iraq. Warden was hanged after war for war crimes against Union prisoner thousands were starved to death. An example for the 2008 election is Mark Warner Governor of Virginia. SEE: The Arizona Connection: Illuminati Outpost on the 33rd Parallel Desert, www.scoreboard-canada.com/ . No chance &. THE 33rd PARALLEL IS THE MOST POWERFUL LOCATION NOT THE ONLY LOCATION WHERE THIS ACTIVITY CAN OCCUR. So do those who closely follow the script. Global organ harvesting network with illegal distribution centers in many places. YOU, THE READER STILL HAVE. An apology was offered in 2005 by the US Senate approaching 400 years after the first African slaves were brought to the Western Hemisphere. Abu Ghraib is on the list of Black Sites where suspected insurgents and terrorists and. 7. Iraq is located on the 33rd parallel. The nazis did the same thing in a bid to create a superman. 4. Georgia According to State Constitution the Governor HAS NO RIGHT TO GRANT CLEMENCY OR NOT- Left to Board of Pardons and Parole to decide. The 13 stars are interesting since there were only 11 Confederate States. See a problem? 1. All three numbers have Masonic significance, And 9 1+1 / 1+1 9 being numbers related to the 9/11 attacks which are rife with Masonic, Numerology as well. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Big cities: 33rd north parallel (Los Angeles and Iraq). Many of the German scientists were brought to Ft. Bliss , Texas. The CIA was heavily infiltrated with fascists and nazis that essentially formed its, Backbone on the German General Gehlen nazi espionage web in occupied Europe towards, The end of the second world war. The Who, Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin etcJimmy Page of Led, Zeppelin is well known for his interest in the occult. Studied Buddhism, took lots of acid (LSD presumably) came back to start Apple. sites are in some cases spread out, a straight line connection link is possible. 35.67 N Latitude, Death Row North Carolina 35.82 N Latitude, Raleigh North Carolina. www.explorer.altopix.com/map/r61ct5/135/289/United_States/California/San_Quentin_Prison.htm?order=date . www.rense.com/politics4/coscobase-p.htm . Ancient and is estimated to have killed on a one by one basis over 2 million Indians. Thus Skull and Bones Prescott funds nazis and Mao was a Yalie and all ambassadors, Are Skull and Bones Yalies and Mao and Hitler killed what ? www.dickrussell.org/articles/homero72.htm . Governor of New Mexico and death penalty supporter Bill Richardson is an enthusiastic, supporter of the project. www.educate-yourself.org/mc/falsememoryhoax1996.shtml . Algeria secret reactor likely to produce plutonium (named after Pluto god of the dead), www.thebulletin.org/aticle.php?art_ofn=mj01albright . ).He is a proponent of a One World Government and has received awards for his work from the Scandal tarred United Nations for this. Dropped two nuclear bombs on two cities on the 33rd parallel. When he regained it he never, Commuted a single execution. The 33rd parallel south is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees south of the Earths equatorial plane.Around the world. In fact, none of the advanced western hemisphere, Nations failed to have or perform human sacrifice death rituals. Member of the Skull and Bones Society of Yale University. Following link cites numerous, Politicians, State and Federal that ALL favor the death penalty. This means that the decision to purchase this ranch at precisely this location and, Area was a decision made AFTER the Branch Davidian Holocaust. 4. CHILE. Both these cities straddled the parallel 33. The so-called Ratline that brought them to the USA and, Elsewhere did not simply bring, scientists, spies and operatives overit brought Black, Magicians or Left-Hand Path occultists prevalent in the upper hierarchy of the SS and, Other organizations. Chaos Theory: Interface with Jungian Psychology. Thus , as with so many other things there appears to be something missing from the. Westinghouse is since 1999 owned by BNFLs or British Nuclear Fuels. History indicates that he was elected, Through vote fraud. While watching a documentary on ancient history of civilization they began to speak of the 33rd parallel and it turns out there is a lot of shocking facts about the 33rd parallel. Sumter County has major problems that are never discussed by the media, according to locals that describe the former confederate prison as a nazi like. The esoteric writer Peter Moon has written extensively on the Pleiades and their role in. j) Opus Dei Founder is now a Saint like Mother Teresa. Export to the USA or else. The city of Fez lies just north of the 33rd, Parallel at 34.05. Here's only a few of them: Oregon State Penn: Masonic Temple 1.69 miles away. Jimmy Carter announces run for the Presidency from Sumter County AFTER, while, Governor, he signed the death penalty back into law bringing the death -energy grid, connection to Abu Ghraib back on line. Also on the #30. www.aim.org/media_monitor_print/2760_0_2_ . * Note the 33 in 1633 and that the sum total of 1+6+3+3= 13 and that the sum of, The entire date 02 + 22 + the previous 13 = a sum of 19. Reason Unknown. What US city is the same latitude as London? www.bibleprobe.com/freemasonry.htm . What city is at 25 degrees north and 80 degrees west? www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadruddin_Aga_Khan . The latitude on the photo is. Both families assisted the rise of the Third Reich .

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