psalm 91 commentary john macarthur

Until now, we have been listening to the psalmist as he conveys Yahwehs promises. So the psalmist is talking about a serious threat when he uses the word deber. To whom these promises do belong; they are described by three characters:(1.) But those promises are conditional on making Yahweh your refuge and the Most High your dwelling place. Verse 9 assumes that the reader has complied with these conditions, so the promises apply. If this is your position, you shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. You are not safe in the outer courts; you are not protected from all danger anywhere but within the vail. In verses 1-2, the psalmist uses four names for God: The Most High (Hebrew: elyon). The important thing is not the place but that we meet the Most High there. There is need to fear the night filled with terror or the arrows that are visibly seen flying during the day. We owe it, more than we are sensible, to the care of the divine Providence that we have been kept from infectious diseases and out of the hands of the wicked and unreasonable. Yahweh is his mesudah (hiding place, stronghold, fortress). You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness,nor the destruction that wastes at noonday,and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. Psalms 91:2. 16 I will satisfy him with long life, El sadday is the name that God revealed to Abram in Genesis 17:1, when God set the terms for his covenant with Abram. If I am in my way, then God will keep me. There is also a pestilence that walketh in darkness, as that was which slew the first-born of the Egyptians, and the army of the Assyrians. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand,but it will not come near you. Scriptural Evidence for the Necessity of Obedience in Salvation, The Doctrine of Immortality in the Early Church - John H. Roller, Luther's views on soul sleep and the after life, Make Good Use of Your Servitude - Observations on Biblical Slavery, The Consensus of Current Scholarship: The Soul is Not Immortal, Killing the Canaanites - A Response to the New Atheism's "Divine Genocide" Claims. The Life of Jesus: Lord, Liar or Lunatic? That they shall be preserved in common calamities, in a distinguishing way (v. 7): "When death rides in triumph, and diseases rage, so that thousands and ten thousands fall, fall by sickness, or fall by the sword in battle, fall at thy side, at thy right hand, and the sight of their fall is enough to frighten thee, and if they fall by the pestilence their falling so near thee may be likely to infect thee, yet it shall not come nigh thee, the death shall not, the fear of death shall not." 1. We ought to think more of the saint and the dragon. This is a precious promise, and speaks a great deal both of honour and comfort to the saints, nor is it ever the worse for being quoted and abused by the devil in tempting Christ, Matt 4 6. Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. ), Mounces Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006), Renn, Stephen D., Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words: Word Studies for Key English Bible Words Based on the Hebrew and Greek Texts (Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc., 2005), Richards, Lawrence O., Encyclopedia of Bible Words (Zondervan, 1985, 1991), Sakenfeld, Katharine Doob (ed. Talk of St. George and the dragon! Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. That, whatever happens to them, nothing shall hurt them (v. 10): "There shall no evil befal thee; though trouble or affliction befal thee, yet there shall be no real evil in it, for it shall come from the love of God and shall be sanctified; it shall come, not for thy hurt, but for thy good; and though, for the present, it be not joyous but grievous, yet, in the end, it shall yield so well that thou thyself shalt own no evil befel thee. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. O death! It is he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High, who, by Gods help, treads upon the lion and adder, and of whom it is written, The young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.. {"lang_button_processing":"Please Wait..","lang_button_notify":"Subscribe","lang_heading_notify":"Notifications","lang_text_notify_info":"Notify me of new comments\u003Cspan class=\"cmtx_info_extra\"\u003E via email\u003C\/span\u003E","lang_title_cancel_notify":"Cancel this notification","lang_link_cancel":"[Cancel]"}, {"commentics_url":"\/\/\/comments\/","page_id":948015,"is_permalink":false,"lang_text_view":"View","lang_text_reply":"reply","lang_text_replies":"replies","lang_text_replying_to":"You are replying to","lang_title_cancel_reply":"Cancel this reply","lang_link_cancel":"[Cancel]","lang_text_privacy":"Privacy","lang_text_terms":"Terms","lang_text_agree":"[1] \/ [2]","lang_text_not_replying":"You are not replying to anyone","lang_button_loading":"Loading..","lang_button_more":"More Comments","lang_button_edit":"Edit Comment","lang_button_reply":"Add Reply","lang_link_reply":"Switch to full reply","lang_link_refresh":"[Refresh]","date_auto":false,"show_pagination":true,"quick_reply":false,"pagination_type":"button","timeago_suffixAgo":"ago","timeago_inPast":"a moment","timeago_seconds":"less than a minute","timeago_minute":"a minute","timeago_minutes":"%d minutes","timeago_hour":"an hour","timeago_hours":"%d hours","timeago_day":"a day","timeago_days":"%d days","timeago_month":"a month","timeago_months":"%d months","timeago_year":"a year","timeago_years":"%d years"}, JavaScript must be enabled for certain features to work, {"commentics_url":"\/\/\/comments\/","page_id":948015,"enabled_country":false,"country_id":0,"enabled_state":false,"state_id":0,"enabled_upload":false,"maximum_upload_amount":3,"maximum_upload_size":5,"maximum_upload_total":5,"captcha":true,"captcha_url":"https:\/\/\/comments\/frontend\/index.php?route=main\/form\/captcha&page_id=948015","cmtx_wait_for_comment":"cmtx_wait_for_comment","lang_error_file_num":"A maximum of %d files are allowed to be uploaded","lang_error_file_size":"Please upload files no bigger than %.1f MB in size","lang_error_file_total":"The total size of all files must be less than %.1f MB","lang_error_file_type":"Only image file types are allowed to be uploaded","lang_text_loading":"Loading ..","lang_placeholder_country":"Country","lang_placeholder_state":"State","lang_text_country_first":"Please select a country first","lang_button_submit":"Add Comment","lang_button_preview":"Preview","lang_button_remove":"Remove","lang_button_processing":"Please Wait.."}, {"commentics_url":"\/\/\/comments\/","auto_detect":false}, Pop-up verses - "Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation Used by permission. 91:1, 4. (1.) Thy God will not leave thee in the glare of the sun, nor will he forsake thee when the damps of night-dews would put thee in peril. That he will not only keep them from evil, but from the fear of evil, v. 5, 6. Many think that to Christ, as Mediator, these promises do primarily belong (Isa 49 2), not because to him the devil applied one of these promises (Matt 4 6), but because to him they are very applicable, and, coming through him, they are more sweet and sure to all believers. Growing Up With Two Moms: The Untold Childrens View. The "Clergy/Laity" Distinction: A Hindrance to the Church? We can count on it. What does the phrase "gnashing of teeth" mean? See Ps 34 19; 2 Tim 3 11; 4 18. but it will not come near you. We know that death and taxes are the two certainties in lifedeath being the most certain of the two. Towns across the country closed their swimming pools. If God proportions the degree and continuance of our troubles to our strength, if he keeps us from offending him in our troubles, and makes our death our discharge, at length, from all our troubles, then this promise is fulfilled. You will trample the young lion and the serpent underfoot (v. 13). 1. my God, in whom I trust.. They are such as have set their love upon him; and those who rightly know him will love him, will place their love upon him as the only adequate object of it, will let out their love towards him with pleasure and enlargement, and will fix their love upon him with a resolution never to remove it to any rival. As it will aggravate the damnation of sinners that with their eyes they shall behold and see the reward of the righteous (Luke 13 28), so it will magnify the salvation of the saints that with their eyes they shall behold and see the destruction of the wicked, Isa 66 24; Ps 58 10. I will satisfy him with long life, and show him my salvation (v. 16). 7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. However, when Elohim refers to Yahweh, that is called the intensive plural or the majestic plural, acknowledging that all that constitutes deity is summed in Yahweh. Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. We are all, by nature, God's enemies, and we deserve His wrath. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. There are some who come to Gods house; but the man mentioned here dwells with the God of the house. The promises that are sure to all those who have thus made the Most High their habitation. - Oscar Cullmann, Immortality or Resurrection? Watch over him today. ), which the WEB has updated. Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: Does God take notice of our poor love? where is thy sting? Yahweh was Gods personal name for the Israelites. His wings and his feathers suggest both power and softness. Yahweh is speaking about those who attach themselves to himbind themselves to himlove himtake delight in him. Sadday often appears with the Hebrew word el, which is a generic word for a godany god. I'm not talking about the question of whether God gave us an inerrant Bible. nor of the destruction that wastes at noonday. Copyright 2010-2023 Telling Ministries LLC. The buckler is also part of the protection and this device is a defensive piece of armor used in ancient times when close range attacks occurred. This crowns the blessedness: I will show him my salvation, show him the Messiah (so some); good old Simeon was then satisfied with long life when he could say, My eyes have seen thy salvation, nor was there any greater joy to the Old-Testament saints than to see Christ's day, though at a distance. Aye, that is true, you will say, who makes any doubt of it? 14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. In 1969, after graduating from Talbot Theological Seminary, John came to Grace Community Church. Final Judgment, Identifying True Israel: Following God's Faithful Down the Ages, The Significance of A.D. 70 in the Prophecies of Christ, Biblical Hermeneutics - Qualifications Of An Interpreter - M. S. Terry, Biblical Hermeneutics - Special Hermeneutics - M. S. Terry, Of Justification by Faith and Works - William Law, Sanctification - Its Nature - by J.C. Ryle, Sanctification - The Growth of the New Man, Scriptural Evidence for the Deity of Christ, The Carnal Christian - by Ernest C. Reisinger, The Christian's Relationship To The Mosaic Law w/audio, The Lordship Controversy and Repentance - Ernest Reisinger, The Word-Faith Movement - Christian Research Institute, A Treatise of Earthly-Mindedness - Burroughs, Clinging to a Counterfeit Cross - James P. Shelly. A believer needs not fear, and therefore should not fear, any arrow, because the point is off, the poison is out. II. It would have served them well during the Babylonian Exile, when only the eyes of faith could see the possibility that they would ever again see Jerusalem. It is not every man who dwells there; no, not even every Christian man. But in these words, the psalmist is quoting Yahweh, who would help his people to develop a strong belief in eternal life. Psalms 91:15. He is my refuge and my fortress: The one who lives intimately with God knows the greatness of His protection. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

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