independent fundamental baptist problems

Movement. Its been the M.O. BITE Model. But, I have a few, from the legendary Dr Bob of Longview: Thou shalt watch football on Monday night. Trieber did not respond to interview requests. None were ever convicted due to being men of god. Today, the independents are separating, even among themselves, over issues such as Bible translations, music style, and dress. She actually got upset! I pray for all of you. [8] They refuse any form of ecclesial authority other than that of the local church. Image Conscious When I joined the junior high youth group, they even gave me a Living Bible (the one with the cool denim cover and the stick-figure illustrations). Having studied this group in particular, he provides some excellent background: The independent fundamentalist Baptist movement emerged sometime in the 1940s as an attempt to continue the legacy of the fundamentalist movement of the 1920s. al. Reached by phone, Giovanelli said he had no comment and hung up. Here has been a few problems that caused divisions in the body of Christ thanks to some Independent Fundamental Baptists: 1.) According to the Pew Forum on Religious and Public Life, there are. Thou shalt take your wife out to lunch on Friday afternoon; this is your allotted time with her. If fundies really understood this, it would probably scare the shit out of them. You gave. To question the sovereignty of the pastor is to disturb God's order and invite upon oneself separation from the church, and therefore from the very source of salvation and hope. Thus the words "Independent" and "Fundamental . The fundamentals first, then warp the bible to fit the fundamentals, and all gods people said.amen. Preacherboys should watch it in the college gym; anywhere else is worldly. Thou shalt not have sex with other women in the church but thou canst eye fuck them when they sit in front of you in church, and can corner them after church and have awkwardly flirty conversations with them when they are trying to leave because youre a fucking awkward creep. I am still a very committed Christian, but I was thankfully out of the IFB world once I left for college (a secular university). Golden State Baptist College - Is a ministry of North Valley Baptist Church of Santa Clara, California. The King James Version is the only true Word of God; all other translations of the Bible are the work of the devil. For the larger child, a belt or larger tree branch is effective. I have been independent fundamental Baptist churches since I was four. The items you are questioning are not the "doctrine" of independent fundamental Baptists. Independent Fundamental Baptist churches believe that the authority to baptize was given to the first church, organized by our Savior. Below are five beliefs that set apart Baptists from other Protestant Christians. Sometimes alternatives have to be sought. You are a lying snake and lost as Hogan's goat." Pastor Tom Cassidy, First Baptist Church, Spring Valley, CA A veteran of three decades of magazine and newspaper journalism, hehas also written three New York Times bestsellersLive Not By Lies, The Benedict Option, andThe Little Way of Ruthie Lemingas well asCrunchy ConsandHow Dante Can Save Your Life. All articles free to share and God bless! Women need not apply and should not study martial arts. All of the above were part of the unwritten code at my Fundy church 40 years ago. She then administers [to a three-year-old] about ten slow, patient licks on his bare legs. (3) Megachurch leaders face the ordinary temptations but also extraordinary pressure to cover up problems, knowing that a sniff of scandal will summon packs of critical reporters. Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Deception - Exposing the Dangerous Teachings of the Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Denomination Welcome to Edit Exposing the Dangerous Teachings and Traditions of the Independent Fundamental Baptist Denomination Please scroll down to find a list of articles for your convenience. Thou shalt not molest children, and if ye do thou shalt confess it to the pastor so he can hide it from the police and threaten the congregation into silence. You have left them now to themselves, and stepped into your own world. A bit later can you guess where this is going? Please read the commenting rules before commenting. Thou shalt not look at pornography, and if thou dost thou shalt delete thy browsing history so thy wife of thy youth dost not find it, and thou shalt confess thy sins at the alter on Sunday morning.Thou canst repeat this cycle each week for the lord hast made provision for modern man if he dost confess his sins before god each day and every Sunday. Glad the LORD has used them, to influence your life! Let us always bear in mind that the IFB no more represents Christianity than the Taliban represents Islam. True Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches uphold the purest teachings of the early church as revealed in the New Testament." . Thou shalt not drive a nice car for that is vanity and takes money from the missionaries who need airplanes and new tin roofs, and food out of the fat visiting evangelists bellies (unless your the man of god, then you can drive a Suburban or a $95k brand new F350). Baptists are one of the few religious groups whose adherents dispute their own beginnings. July 20, 2020 News Division. I wondered how in the world that man could look at his wife much less have sex with her because why would you defile such a woman who looked so sheepish and innocent!! However there has been quite a problem with some fundamental Baptists. Escape by Carolyn Jessop. Cat got his tongue? God changes his mind several times in the Bible. I wasnt surprised at all when I heard he had an affair with his secretary. Fritts' church is affiliated with The New Independent Fundamental Baptist Movement and is listed along with 29 others on the movement's website, which explicitly states that it is not a denomination. A 2016 report on the university's handling of sexual assault found a "fundamental failure by Baylor to implement Title IX." The report noted "that Baylor's efforts to implement Title IX were. More importantly, its disrespectful to the victims who bravely came forward to share their stories with reporters from the Fort Worth paper. The philosophy is you dont air your dirty laundry in front of everyone. I got a good laugh reading the list brought back some not so good memories from my time in a IFB church. More: Nevertheless, [Bishop] Andonios [Chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese] said he decided to reinstate [Father Gerasimos] Makris because parishioners demanded it. Find an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church | Canada. So I messaged and they do baptisms. SPECIAL: Prayer Changes Your Brain in 4 Amazing Ways 1. The network of churches and schools has often covered up the crimes and helped relocate the offenders, an eight-month Star-Telegram investigation has found. He will kick you out of church and put you on church discipline for 6 months, after which you will be restored as a brother. Any issues, even legal issues, go to the pastor first, not the police. This letter is in downloadable as a PDF here. The church shall pray for her to get right with her lord (and her pastor). Thanks! Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist. Thou waist. But evangelicals should recognize that clerical sex abuse is widespread, and some evangelical and fundamentalist churches do cover up problems and pass them on to others. Where you claim what's true. One of the hardest life lessons I ever had to learn is that in the main, people prefer to be deceived. And what can possibly be more worthy of a person's love than God and family? We may read these stories of sexual abuse in churches, and tell ourselves that if something like that happened in our church, we would stand up for what is right. Women not wearing pants, women not working, women being not allowed to speak up in church, have any sort of leadership role, etc. I was rejected by two independent fundamentalist Baptist congregations in two different states, but I stand in their defense. This past summer, amid new stories of Catholic sex abuse, the Evangelical magazine Worldcautioned its readers not to make the mistake of thinking that it cannot and does not happen in Protestant churches. One particularly painful experience of nursing mothers is the biting baby. I was recently asked to write a few words of support and love for the members of two Facebook groups, Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Cult Survivors and Do Right Hyles-Anderson. He cries in pain. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. Pendleton (1811-1891). As media eagerly services our culture's tendency toward increasingly polarized divisions, it's helpful to remember that 72.7 percent of Americans are Christians who are not IFB. Thou can sleep at 11 on Monday night; everyone knows sleep is for fags & queers, not real men. Twice in the New Testament, Paul gives long lists of human behaviors that preclude people from inheriting the kingdom of God. A bit later, concerned about creeping liberalism in that association, it split away to join the GARB (the General Association of Regular Baptists no, really, thats a thing). Like the millions of others around the country who need to read these stories, they wont be able to unless they subscribe to a newspaper hundreds of miles from where they live. NIFB Is A Cult | The NIFB Will Not Be Tolerated. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. I grew up in the IFB circles in the PNW. The message is set. Its pastor is divinely appointed and accountable to no earthly authority. Jackson filed a police report. * This paywall nonsense is unnecessary, counter-productive, and really disrespectful of the papers investigative team. But Black Baptists reject the MAGA revolution that has taken the GOP, and the SBC, by storm. However, many of these churches have affiliations through theological colleges or pastoral friendships. It's chief spokesman was J.R. Graves (1820-1893) and other key early figures include A.C. Dayton (1813-1865) and J.M. a couple of Greek Orthodox nuns are protesting the reinstatement of a priest, Todays Psychology Cant Help American Men. Truly horrifying. They repented and were restored..every like 6 mo. You trusted. This guide to "consistently rewarding every transgression with a switching" (from the book's introduction) has sold more than 670,000 copies. Addendum: Thousand shalt not even THINK about piercing ANYTHING below the waste! KJV-onlyism is certainly not a core doctrine of the Christian faith for any Christian who doesnt speak English. Look at the Catholic ban on priestly marriage, and the pressures that creates. Here are the 5 key issues that have hurt the Independent Baptist world in some cases, as well as greatly damaging the lives of some believers: A Failure To Adequately Preach The Bible When our preaching goes backward, the whole apple cart rocks and soon turns over. The pharmacists priest even told her and her husband to leave the parish, because their presence was causing too much discomfort there. It is therefore literally true that God created the world in six 24-hour days; Satan is real, the enemy of God, and the instigator of all false religions; the theory of evolution is unscriptural and therefore without merit; hell is a real place where all who die without having accepted Christ as their Savior suffer consciously being roasted alive for eternity, and so on. Can LGBTQ people join your church, teach Sunday school, preach? They cant even follow their own bible when it contradicts their dogma. However, after studying the Bible, I realized that it is about Gods love and grace, not keeping rules. Oh, did I mention we were homeschooled and socially retarded. That will needs to be eliminated, since wherever human will is God's will cannot be. The Official Independent Baptist Rulebook, Known in Some Churches as Church Standards. Shame on you, sir. 1 2 3. 5.) or a year or whatever. Not sure if they are trinitarian. It's not just Baptist Churches; most organize denominations are in one way or another legalistic. Pastors of large churches and leaders of fundamentalist institutions such as Bob Jones, John R. Rice, and Jack Hyles still identified with the label fundamentalist. This movement was characterized by a staunch commitment to biblical orthodoxy filteredthrough the King James Bible, an adherence to second-degree separation or that idea that Christians must separate themselves frombothunbelievers (the world)andfellow conservative Protestants who did not separate sufficiently enough from unbelievers (Billy Graham and the rest of the neo-evangelicals fell into this second category), and a propensity for strong white preachers who ran independent congregations that were not accountable to denominations. Every Evangelical sect/church/pastor/evangelist/missionary/congregant has their own rules they think are Biblical. You just dont like this particular list of rules because they run counter to your Biblical list. But if you think most of the people in your church would do that, or stand by those who did, your optimism is unwarranted. I know that they are KJV only and Arminian. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. Thou shalt leave for camp on Monday morning and return on Saturday afternoon, as thou must be able to give a long, tearful testimony at the church service on Sunday morning (exhaustion is of the devil). Get your act together, Star-Telegram senior staff. Human life begins at conception. We were, I suppose, fundamentalist with evangelical highlights. Perhaps the most well-known Independent Fundamentalist Baptists today are the Duggars, the quiverfull family made famous by the reality show19 Kids and Counting. I am curious why the Ifb doesnt want Christians to go to the movie theatre? Transportation Services Coordinator. Im thinking right now of a case from the early 1990s in which a small-town Louisiana pharmacist who noticed that she was handling an extraordinary number of prescriptions for a rare cancer drug, and spoke out. Though not all in the movement look the same, the Duggars showcase several theological and cultural distinctives common among independent fundamental Baptists: adhering to strict biblical inerrancy, usually based exclusively on the King James Version (KJV); homeschooling; abstaining from pop culture as entertainment; and dressing modestly. Careers Workplace and Religion Columnists, Recreation Outdoors and Religion Columnists, Religious Music and Entertainment Columnists, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, special report on sexual abuse and cover-ups in independent fundamental Baptist churches across the country, Hundreds Accuse Independent Baptist Pastors of Abuse, Hundreds of Sex Abuse Allegations Found in Fundamentalist BaptistChurches, Slavery and 'how to interpret the Bible' (cont'd.). When it is obvious he is totally broken, she will hand him the rag and very calmly say, "Johnny, clean up your mess.". The Lordship controversy and misrepresenting the Lordship preachers. The writings that I've read from former IFBs are some of the strongest testimonies to the strength and decency of the human spirit I've ever come across. Landmarkism began as a movement in the mid-1800's mainly in the Southern Baptist Convention. Bruce Gerencser, 65, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 44 years. You're the power. In your cynical statement about the seemingly unseen book of rules, you failed to mention that they ultimately came from a God who loves you, and has your best interest at heart. Especially about another member of the church, said Josh Elliott, a former member of Vineyards Oklahoma City church. I vaguely recognize some of the standards that you mentioned, but not to the extreme that you have described them. Please be advised that this rulebook is subject to change at the whim of the pastor. The video posted on the church website ends. Oh my. Let me stress here at the beginning that this is not about churches affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention; those Baptist churches are thought to be too liberal by the independent fundamentalists. - Forums For Independent Baptists - Online Baptist Community I ask this for your opinions, thoughts, and insights. I started listening to country music, drinking beer, watching movies, and eventually joined the military. Unless you are a college student on a bus route. No other part of the anatomy (e.g. The cause is clear. Much of what we think of as the religious right would fall into that murky space in between old-school fundamentalism and the mainstream evangelicalism of Billy Graham et. For decades, women and children have faced rampant sexual abuse while worshiping at independent fundamental Baptist churches around the country. And out of that love you gave them the best of who you are to do with whatever they felt they needed to. The Bible is filled with rules that have everything to do with salvation. 4.) I've heard of Dan Souza, but that's about all. Im saved now, right? I was never attacked by them, and to the best of my knowledge neither were my siblings. Ben Bogard (1868-1951) was its chief defender during his lifetime. If he continues to show defiance by jerking around and defending himself, or by expressing anger, then she will wait a moment and again lecture him and again spank him. And may you recognize your error while there is still time. Dreherlives in Baton Rouge, La. Bruce Gerencser, 65, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 44 years. You are to rule over him as a benevolent sovereign. Even my Southern Baptist Church wasnt this strict! If your reliably unreliable Comcast wifi cuts out, or if your screen-saver kicks in, the paywall will prevent you from finishing the article. Thou shalt not work a job as a woman even if thou canst afford the private school and live in a shitty house because your husband spends all his after tax money on the private school and tithing. And lets not forget the old For him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin catch-all At my IFB church that I grew up in I loved how they used to use that one to justify saying anything they didnt agree with or like was a SIN . Look at centralized Catholicisms opportunity to shuffle priests from one parish to another, few questions asked. He and his wife have six grown children and thirteen grandchildren. Single. Im not. This teaching about the modern day Pastor as it is today is unscriptural, and that's how this legalism got started in the Independent Baptist movement ( HEAR ME OUT). Thousands have come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ because one man followed in obedience where the Lord led. Now, gentlemen we have a problem in the Independent Baptist movement. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. (this one is uncommon but not unheard of). You loved when you had no more love to give. The Star-Telegram discovered at least 412 allegations of sexual misconduct in 187 independent fundamental Baptist churches and their affiliated institutions, spanning 40 states and Canada. They insisted upon that ignoble facade despite the too-clear harm it was causing. Biblical authority: the Bible is God's inspired Word and the final authority for what a person believes and practices. On the bare legs or bottom, switch him eight or ten licks; then, while waiting for the pain to subside, speak calm words of rebuke. Those independent Baptist churches which teach, as very many of them do, that the God-given inspired word of God is the King James Version typically teach that every other translation of the Bible is part of a conspiracy to remove the King James Bible, the ONLY real Bible, from our churches. I guarantee you that most independent fundamentalist Baptists in this country are furious at the Star-Telegram today. Support this podcast: Truth Unbound with Walter Swaim 11h ago He witnessed the same authoritarian approach. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. The Pew Forum on Religious and Public Life puts IFB members at 2.5 percent of Americans. To know is to be responsible. Jesus gives his own list in the Sermon on the Mount and Matthew 24/25. How I struggled to free myself from this oppressive thinking. It's just the nature of them I guess. They are going out of their way to send a few to heaven, while you are going out of your way to send a few more to hell. I have no research or data to support this, but my sense is that this space between is growing and becoming ever more the center of gravity for white evangelicalism as a whole. Cathy, if you had read more of what Bruce wrote, you would see that your simplistic message isnt necessary. The network of churches and schools has often. You brought all of yourself. Advent Calendar Day 17: Fair and foul are near of kin, TRENDING AT PATHEOS Progressive Christian, Independent Fundamentalist Baptists are a creepy, creepy bunch. Going to the movies could also lead to you having a bad testimony before the world. Blockbuster report about systemic sex crimes in ultra-conservative Protestant churches. The Black Baptist preachers affiliated with the SBC aren't proclaiming a Black Jesus, railing against white racism, or demanding reparations from white Baptists. So men cant have facial hair but women can? You're the strength. And if they failed to treat that greatest of gifts with the sacrosanct respect it deserves, then shame on them. People who think that sexual abuse and its systematic cover-up is something that happens only in Roman Catholic Churches ought to read this devastating series in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, about how the same thing has been happening in a national network of independent fundamental Baptist churches. People do not like to be made to confront ugly things. Much of this movement was a response to the so-called neo-evangelical movement. Pastors think if they keep it on the down-low, it wont impact anyone. Dr. R has some real practical theology problems. Young-earth creationism, premillennial dispensationalism, and fervent support for segregation are also not core doctrines that could be found among Christians before the 19th century or anywhere outside of IFBs parochial American context. The investigation is ongoing. You can email Bruce via the Contact Form. They kept what they needed. From the time I can remember (3-4 years old) I knew in the back of my mind it was all bullshit filled with lies and hypocrisy. I pastored Evangelical churches IFB, Southern Baptist, Christian Union, Sovereign Grace, and non-denominational for 25 years. I really want to write a book or start a podcast about all this shit at some point. He is his own man and refuses to be tied down or corralled by anything. Its a philosophy its flawed, said Stacey Shiflett, an independent fundamental Baptist pastor in Dundalk, Maryland. The Bible has plenty in it of rules, and I doubt someone who believes in a burning hell forever can really get a supposed love message across. That space between he describes as the world of Jerry Falwell has grown over the years. You loved, and loved, and loved some more. Pray tell, Kathy, what are you going to tell me about the Bible that I dont already know? Memo to former Evangelicals: be like Kathy. Shaking my head, wishing I had gotten out of that place sooo much sooner than we did, you know when I shouldve used my own brain and listened to my gut. A new website has launched with the aim of helping single New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (NIFB) find each other for hopes of love and matrimony, with a niche focus and stringent guidelines being a feature, not a bug. And the papers paywall wont allow you to reload any given article, meaning that youve got to get all the way through some very long reads in one go. To members of the Facebook groups mentioned above: Our characters are forged in the crucible of what we survive. Here has been a few problems that caused divisions in the body of Christ thanks to some Independent Fundamental Baptists: 1.) He alone is allowed to change his mind. No compromise. The basic beliefs of this group is Anti-LGBT, Misogyny, Anti-Worldliness, KJV Bible only, anti-semitism, and more. Yelling, storytelling, and moralism replaced proclaiming simply what God has said. So there is some good to the IFB movement. You ought to repent of this attitude and behavior while you are yet alive and repair your relationship with a God who undoubtedly still loves you, and stop taking an active hand in encouraging others to sin against a Holy God and ensuring their damnation. The one thing I do want to say for anyone just making their way out of the darkness of IFB is this: that you once so thoroughly bought into IFB is a sign of your strength, not your weakness. I didnt understand the extremes of it and was so glad for makeup, but why yell about it from the pulpit?! He might not be guilty of the allegation, but notice how the church network is still allowing a man publicly accused of sexual abuse to minister. Both times, people knew about his would-be abusers behavior and did nothing to stop it. Black people bear the indelible and wretched curse of the "mark of Cain.". The submissiveness of women to their husbands can be found here which is not only present in churches, this is a cultural phenomenon which also impacts the faith. A friendly fellowship group for members of local New Testament Independent Baptist churches. Each IFB church is wholly autonomous and free from any outside governance. See her report here: Hundreds Accuse Independent Baptist Pastors of Abuse.. This is an independent fundamental Baptist program that has chapters in churches all across the country. Here are some quotes from the book: Wake up to the day's most important news. Because its in human nature, for one, and for another, because the clergy have an extraordinary amount of power (real and symbolic) within the ecclesiology of both churches. One of my other professors did allow that saying shoot was okay, as she was used to people from Ohio saying it! Im sure that if your God is all about love and grace he will know our hearts better than you and will fully understand in his 3-omni way. It was they who lied -- first to themselves, and then to you. 3.) The person should go to the pastor, and the pastor will talk to the offender. I surrendered to preach, and was called to the Lord's ministry as a result of growing up in an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church. The church I grew up in dwelt somewhere in that space.

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