forced diversity in advertising

NFL merchandise commercials show virtually no whites in their merchandise ads, yet TV live shots of stadium crowds are almost entirely white audiences. Not just all blacks do this. Not to mention the camera shots of the audience during the match most of which were carefully chosen to show black members of the audience celebrating Serenas well played points and celebrating her opponents poorly played points. Charlton Heston got famous for playing non-Christian Biblical characters. You certainly can include other customer demographics in your ads to grow marketshare in those groups, but again that is with a solid marketing purpose. Great points, G! The latest news, trends, strategies, and thinking from our industry-leading publications and the wider marketing community. Please explain what you mean by the statement the other problem is that all of these ads showing black people arent really representative of black people at all? You do know that Black people are not a monolithic group. No, but they see opportunities to work with the Marxists who are also only interested in their own enhancement. Then form your messaging and campaign strategy from there. Kris, thanks for writing and do take care. Every soldier, police officer and fireman knows this. I live in Saint Louis. Thats a great point, WonderWoman. Show men of color as successful and attractive while white men if you show them at all are fat and stupid. Or, is it rather that commercials are catching up to the real world? That platform is nearly as bad as Facebook in its censorship of free speech. Inclusion comes naturally when your company lives it. Great points well stated, Jim. Portrayed white women, and men and women of color. Brands and advertisers are going to push their activism on us regardless of what anyone else thinks. Married to blonde white models. Its really too bad its come to this. In a televised production of The Nutcracker a few years ago, we saw wealthy 19th Russian couples at a ball in St. Petersburg who were interracial. However, that does not explain why they ignore the 80% of whites that are the current and future customer of these products. Look at the movies now. Thank you Cranky Creative for your courage. What people have a problem with is all the pandering thats taking place in the name of diversity. Except now, it appears to have gone beyond mere pandering. I doubt either are accurate. My wife and I have been noticing this trend increasing (obviously in the wake of #me-too and George Floyd) and have been calling bullshit on it since. The overall ethnic skew of the marketing/advertising industry is now 32.3 percent diverse, up from 30.8 percent a year ago. I too am a die hard liberal when it comes to social issues but bristle at the not so subtle attempts to disenfranchise the white race and even the male gender. Stop what you are doing right now and read/watch this article from Dallas. People of color in commercials usually do not get my attention and I do not buy their products. But for what I think is the real reason, I would suggest that everybody read American Marxism by Mark Levin. Now some black people say that fast food companies target them to make them obese and unhealthy and its racist that 70% of fast food ads have black person because it causes obesity among black people. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); At this point, no one is being represented and maybe that vanilla (no pun intended) approach is another misstep that creates a billboard affect. For me the clearest single point from your comment is that there is a very negative affect from all this woke & diversity advertising by alienating their main audience. Its absurd especially given the lack of Asian American representation. I just got a lifetime ban from Twitter for talking about how blacks are having everything handed to them and taking over and I think Im at about 7 30-day bans on Facebook. We also noticed several auto agencies running the same awful holiday ads from the year before were looking at you Ford Trucks. Plan to go the distance or dont go at all. Of course, portraying people properly would require advertisers to have real respect for different races and cultures, and a genuine desire to give more than lip service to the prime directives of diversity and inclusivity. I bet Im not alone.and the funny thing is, I am not a straight White male. . . Erik Radle, the CEO of Miller Advertising (Texas) has openly bragged about how advertising is going to change our society. Yeah, Im not seeing how follow the money works here. I agree with the commenter who said Maybe use no actors, there are some out there that are well made and entertaining.. This is brand suicide. Sure you might have a few exceptions here and there, but sometimes stereotypes are actually true. I know damned well that writing posts like this draws the ire of many of my fellow creatives and probably puts me out of the running with some potential new clients, but you know what they say: If youre not part of the solution, youre part of the problem. Its going to backfire! I just happen to have two 36 axe handles right here by my desk. While Im sure that some of what we are seeing is driven by good intentions, Im also sure that a lot of it is driven by politics, fear of cancel culture, and cynical attempts by brands to hitch their wagons to the latest hot-button social issues. Now that weve created the world its time for those who sat back and enjoyed the fruits of our labor to take over and disappear us! If only the other 95 percent of the U.S. population would do the same. Orthere are a lot more blacks in America than I thought. This is the new WOKE CULTURE we are dealing with right now. Seeing the new Top Gun was so sad. I plan on leaving the USA, if my husband and I have kids I dont see a promising future here for White children. I do think the movement several years ago of #OscarsSoWhite had a hand in this. This just goes along with whites are bad, blacks are good and Hispanics and Asians are non existent. As long as you dont look white, in any way, no matter your race, then youre whats in all the ads now. A rudimentary familiarity with basic crime statistics would open a lot of peoples eyes, if they werent so farking stupid. Anyone up for organizing a white history month? However, when the nature of this representation in no way reflects society at large, its only reasonable to assume that an agenda is being pushed. By the way, everyone has chromosomes. We wire-hanger-bodied, pasty, straight-haired girls need to get dressed, too. By simply taking the time to survey a couple of POCs in your target audience, you can create a more authentic campaign. I am a white woman from the United States. 20 years from now, maybe it will be down to 30% white male. This is their method of dividing and conquering the lower classes of society as they see us. The rich profit from the loss of our young. Youre right, Ace the majority of brands are so aggravating and obnoxious that a lot of us are cutting the cord. Anyway, overseas you see more representation of the other interracial mixes. Dan, I think I botched my original reply to you, but all I really wanted to say was thanks. The healthy choice, I think, is to get off of social media. and so true, so true.. Build and employ diverse teams who think, create and attack problems from diverse perspectives. And although these cultural problems dwarf the small, daily inconveniences that the forced-diversity agenda creates for creative professionals I wholeheartedly agree with your example of the difficulty in finding stock photography of white, rural-looking Americans I think those issues are important enough to our industry that they merit discussion. The list goes on and on, Maria this, Carlos that. Have you seen Zucks Avatar? A form of brainwashing. Actually, it was breakfast cereal companies who, 100 years ago, propagandized breakfast as the most important meal of the day. Amen! And more thoughts and musings yes, I would add Facebook and Google to my list of monoliths. I could give hundreds of examples, but a couple of recent examples jump to mind. Ive never gotten that impression. Good for you, Brad. I disagree that slavery is Americas sin. People who dont know history dont know that slavery has been widely practiced throughout the world for centuries, and in fact, millennia. I also was curious if others were noticing the same phenomenon. The foreign-born population was only 5% in 1965 compared with 14% today. Nor would I expect people there to avoid saying happy Ramadan because there are 10% Christian. It is self preservation! You are far from alone, Bob. Indeed, the warped representations we see in TV commercials are simultaneously a cause and a symptom of deepening problems in our culture. In fact, I believe that *most* people notice the out-of-whack representation in todays TV commercials. I dont want to see 2 guys kissing, 2 girls walking hand and hand or every black living in in the Hamptons. Using a boilerplate type letter will allow you to just change the name of the company versus writing dozens or hundreds of individual letters. This group of people cant represent more than 4 or 5 percent but they seem to take up Al least 30 percent representation in TV commercials. I dont see it, yet the advertising industry engages in constant self-flagellation over the lack of black workers. You may also not be able to link effectively with Facebook, Twitter, or other social networks and/or not be able to share content on social media. Im grateful that I was dating and selecting a spouse in a time when men had enough testosterone and muscular build in them that I felt they could defend me if needed. The irony is that at the same time the majority of commercials has switched to 90% black actors, depicting black families living in multi-million dollar mansions, spouses buying each other luxury sports cars for Christmas, climbing Mount Everest, and flying all over the world on European vacations, Hollywood, politicians and the media still continues to debate the issue of how black Americans cant seem to find their way into a DMV without white assistance to get an ID to vote and dont have the money to pay for the ID card, and how its racist to even suggest we have a voter ID card like they have in other countries. I dont know where it ends, but I hate the globalists for their evil, greed, and corruption, and try to contribute as little to their profits as possible. No way is a white woman and a black male is going to have a blond headed daughter and a really dark son. The overall ethnic skew of the marketing/advertising . There is no war against white people. Why not call it like it is and show people for their real culture in commercials not this forced crap that they throw upon us. Then speak clearly to that audience and deliver faithfully on brand promise. Great post, Kallock! Its coercive propaganda in the background of each of these commercials repeated 1000s of times each day. However, they are 14% of the population and commit about 60% of all murders in the United States but that is somehow not talked about or depicted on tv. I grew up in a Texas County with a 62% black population. We see it all the time: the upper-middle-class family wearing upper-middle-class clothes, living in an upper-middle-class home and doing upper-middle-class things, like attending piano recitals, or gaming with pals on razor-thin laptops, or having a backyard birthday party complete with pink princess decorations and a tent and giant bounce-house. They are grooming young minds. They are proud of this daring but appropriate decision. This organic, truthful approach will seem more genuine. Mostly white men. I dont care if you want to throw in a black family here and there on TV but leaving out all whites and other races for that matter, is not diversity! Different strokes for different folks, Bob, but you have to admit, the man knows the Constitution. Yes, being a blonde haired man, Ive noticed that too. 8. And yet when it comes to white males we dont complain about micro aggressions because were too busy being hit with actual-in-your-face aggression which society seems to find acceptable, e.g., patriarchy, toxic masculinity, mansplaining, manspreading, all the worlds ills are the fault of the European male, etc. I am a gay man and i am SICK AND TIRED OF ALL THE LGBTQ BULLCRAP BEING SHOVED DOWN OUR THROATS!!! In Opinion: Survey Says: Americans Are Dumber Than a Bag of Rocks, writer Jim Thompson cites a study that shows just how out of whack peoples perceptions are regarding the size of different populations by income, race, religion, gender identity, and more all due to the agenda-driven programming we are being force-fed on TV. If you forced an alien to consume a years worth of American media, he would come to the conclusion that the country is about 40% black or mulatto, 25% Jewish, 25% gentile white, and 10% other (hispanic, asian, native american). Every other commercial shows father/daughter interaction. I dont think anyone has a problem with brands catering to their customers or trying to gain traction with new demographics. I just went to the Library of Congress to maybe read some online of the sections had 3 pictures that came up one after another pictures of mostly kids, reading, etc.all 3 had a total of 15 people all black, POC except one white male. Are they implying 3% of their passengers are white, straight males? Im glad you found some catharsis in this blog post and in the reader comments. All men are demeaned in commercials and have been for a long time but especially Black men lately. I did contact one company to comment, politely, but received a lame-excuse response. If more ad people want to be activists, this idiocy of Progression will ALWAYS INCREASE because the ACTIVISTS need JOBS! This is NOT the same country and society it was 60 years ago. Check out a video of one brazen robbery here: I mute the commercials and think to myself this is all but nothing but clown commercials, fake and actually racist against whites. The home security ads all show white male burglars. Change is needed, but where should it begin? Ive never seen anyone other than a white male actor cast as a burglar in a home security commercial. Communications, PR, public affairs & media relations executives from Forbes Communications Council share firsthand insights. These are factors that go back to, oh, I dont know, when did England actually lay claim to the land mass that had become Canada? I hope that we can stop going down this road before its too late. How dumb do they think the 70% of us are that make up America? Your company may already be a member.View our member list to find out, or create a new account. He may be referring to an ordinance passed by politicians in San Francisco that allows shoplifters to steal up to a thousand dollars worth of merchandise (I think thats the amount) without being arrested. And the media champion it. See all Cranky ad reviews | Go back to blog home page | Subscribe for free. Thank goodness somebody voiced what I have been thinking for days. And as for all the black commercials that are being shoved down our throats all day??? I have no problem with people from different cultures, perspectives, etc. From there, your marketing will naturally reflect the ethos. May be should be renamed critical replacement theory. Ryan Vet, boon, Inc. A content diversity audit can allow your team to review previous content, gather insights and strategize future action, rather than reacting on a whim. But this study will likely embolden even greater efforts to infuse more diversity in future commercial productions, I bet. It drives me nuts, and for so long I have felt like I am the only one who gets worked up about it. It is obvious that the culture has been infiltrated from within by opportunistic, resentful and vengeful people. Hispanics and Latinos are seeing themselves represented very little in advertising, which probably has them feeling pretty slighted given that they account for nearly 20 percent of the population and their purchasing power is growing 70 percent faster than that of non-Latinos. I have boycotted every company pushing the propaganda. I never use this word about Disney that Im about to because my mother taught me that it was a disgusting sexually connotated word that a lady would never say but you know, Disney SUCKS!!!! Ive noticed the absence of white people too. Ignore the diversity on tv, its a bunch of nonsense. Im getting sick of TV in general. Tell me how many national product ads meet that mix? This is so far off what is anecdotally obvious to the average TV viewer, that it suggests erroneous data. Whether one thinks its an issue or not, I say have fun with it. Who comes up with the best inventions and breakthrough technologies? Id never have imagined youd ever catch me writing a screed such as this. unless he is placed beside a Nubian Goddess as his love interest or something. . Its really something how Google tries to hide discussions like this, isnt it? it is always so. Its happening already with companies like Disney and Netflix. People need to be made aware that they are being misrepresented on company boards. But its the talking-about-it part thats hard. We knew this was coming, and are not struggling for reasons like the normies do. Whats racist is the over representation of minorities in tv now. Sorry, I have a life to live and just dont care about this issue anymore. Tokenism is real. Its great to hear from someone with marketing knowledge who isnt drunk on the Kool-Aid. When the roles are reversed, BOTH races are mentioned. Good observation. At the end of the day the only ones who really care are probably actors who no longer get called for commercials. Next time, bring an actual argument or shut it, please. Most of the modern worlds issues stem from the hidden bitterness towards our own dads that were either present and imperfect or vacant altogether. not only for blonde, fair-skinned males, but females with the Marcia Brady look that blonde(ish), blue eyed irish type of face. Keeping this blog going while working and dealing with all of lifes other challenges is hard, and its comments like yours that make it all worthwhile. They see friends and relatives dropping dead from the Jonestown jab and wonder why. What people do on their own time is fine with me just dont try to indoctrinate the populace to their unrealistic commercial portrayals.

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